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Hello again,


I am not yet blocked into the garage because of snow, but yes, the driving season is really over now here in Finland :) Temperature seems to stay around zero Celsius and the snow will be there any day now.


Anyway, winter time is kind of good (=positive thinking) because there is no immediate hurry to get back on the road. So, some hardware modifications will most propably take place during the next months. I already have Mike Rich hi-comp pistons waiting to be "dropped in". The heads will be mildly ported to smooth the flow characteristics. Then, I also consider modifying the fuel pressure regulator to raise the fuel pressure from 3 bars up to 3.5 bars or something. This is because I seem to be already approaching the limit, where I cannot anymore add the pulse length for fuel injectors much more.


I have Cliff's My16M and have done over 10000 km with it this summer. This was the first big modification to the Sport that I chose to do, mainly because it allows me to freely adjust the fuel and ignition maps to cope with whatever other modifications I might have. I run the My16M closed loop with a lambda sensor. I am very happy with this unit, because it really transforms the whole behaviour of the bike compared to the original Weber Marelli unit. The response to the throttle is really nice and sharp and the bike also idles smoothly without trouble.


Back to the original subject. I can understand that the Veypor unit will surely not replace real dynos with gas analyser capabilities, but I can see that it might provide better sensor than my own ass to compare the effects that my modifications have. An important point is also that those measurements might be quite repeatable, if the same instrument is used every time in a similar manner (same air temperature, same weather/barometric pressure, same piece of the road).


I don't see much value in this unit. Am I missing something or is this thing just giving some graphs based on acceleration. You could always datalog M15M to get this sort of data for analysis.



Cliff, you are absolutely right here, but have you solved the problem how to get equal sample intervals during datalogging, or alternatively, how to get an exact time stamp for every sample in case they are unevenly distributed in time ? The datalogging rate 7-8 samples per second (My16M) is quite enough to make reliable measurements.


If this can be achieved, then Veypor unit does not provide anything more than one more nice blue display to look on. Unfortenately, my datalogging device does not allow to have a time stamp for those events, so it would be nice to get it from the My16M.


Or maybe there is some terminal emulator or other program suitable to be used in a laptop PC to datalog the My16M dataflow and stamp every line with time info ?


br, JuhaV

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That widebandcommander looks like a nice fideling unit... What I can't find, is how long the time is that it can record data nor what the time is between data samples. What it displays isn't a Lamba value? What is it then?


Paul, I do know the WBC will record for 10 total minutes (continual or otherwise). I'll have to find out about the time between data samples, and report back if you'd like.

The read-out/print-out will show you the air/fuel ratio from 8.0:1 to 18.0:1, per the website.



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pulse length ...adjust fuel and ignition maps... My16M... closed loop ...lambda sensor...gas analyser capabilities...equal sample intervals...datalogging...time stamp for every sample ...datalogging rate 7-8 samples per second ...some terminal emulator or other program suitable to be used in a laptop PC to datalog the My16M dataflow and stamp every line with time info ?


???I'm sure Juha knows what he's talking about. Just wish I did. Can anyone point me to an idiots guide to FI/tuning/PC111's/PC's/Lambda sensors & My15M's, it's about time I tackled my ignorance...

Thanks, KB :sun:

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