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...yeah, that's right, I'm calling you out Dave :P



See: http://www.v11lemans.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=3869



Anyway, although he hasn't publicized it anywhere except the Classifieds section(probably knowing we'd give him a friendly "hard time" :rolleyes: ) ... it seems that his temptations over the last year regarding a certain big-bore Yamaha have finally come to fruition :wacko:



So for those that don't know Dave Gross very well, he's one of the "old hands" around here, and if he does end up selling the bike.... we'll miss him for sure, much like when Rich Maund moved on.


So, Dave, if you are reading this... let us know what happens with the bike, and best wishes :thumbsup:


We'll miss you here :(



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Hi Jim, I don't know who compared the Ducati ST3 to an FJR. One thing I can tell you, an ST3 Duck can't paint a black line out of virtually any corner. Believe me, the torque of that 1300 is just huge. No wonder it only has a 5 speed gearbox.

Ciao, Steve G.

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Guest dkgross

ya'll crack me up :) Thanks for the well wishes!!!


I've only had three interested parties contact me so far, and, NO, it's not on eBay or CycleTrader at this point. Unfortunately, there is a glut of these bikes available, and, for the amount of $$$ I have in the bike (and I still owe on it), the price I need is barely justifiable.


I'll not sell the LeMans JUST to get an FJR, as much as I love the ride of it (I can take or leave the looks...this years Blue is REALLY purdy..) And, I'm only going to sell it to a guzzisti who WILL take care of it.


For me...I've had to admit that, even with all the wonderful offers of support from here, I'm just NOT interested enough in doing my own work on it. I think the WORLD of the people at Moto International as well, and they have ALWAYS taken exquisit care of me. However, the reality of schedules and parts availability is, well, reality.


She's running great now. Smooth. Powerful. Yet, if she so much as 'hiccups' or makes a noise I haven't heard, all I can think is 'crap, am I gonna get stuck out here and be without a bike for 3-5 weeks again..)


in a perfect world, I would have BOTH bikes. The Guzzi has a soul and spirit that I've never had in 25 years of riding.


Winter is upon us in Seattle, so riding days for me are few and far between....cold is fine, rain isn't. Not for a commute. So..if she finds the right home and the right deal, then it is meant to be. If not, then she has a home in my home.


Robbie...How's LA!!?!! Things here are still as lame as ever...Hopefully I can come visit ya'll this winter sometime. I usually go to Anahime for the NAMM show in mid-january, so I'll let ya know if that's going to happen.


thanks again, ya'll. You're the best. :mg:

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Guest dkgross
P.S. Didn't some American bike mag rate the Ducati ST3 at least an equal to the FJR. Doesn't that imply that a Guzzi is faaaar superior?




yeah..trade one finiky Italian bike for another. THAT would push my wife over the edge :)

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Santa Monica is great, My commute to work along PCH is a lot of fun. I can't wait to get my bike out of the back of the garage to start riding it every day.


If you think about it form a logical stanbpoint, you've fixed everything on the bike that can go wrong for a while, just ride it and enjoy it :) I had a similar experience right at the beginning of my ownership with the dead ECU but now i dont give the bikes reliability a second thought.

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Guest dkgross
if you think about it form a logical stanbpoint, you've fixed everything on the bike that can go wrong for a while, just ride it and enjoy it :)


I haven't "fixed' the suspension yet.




Santa Monica is sooooo cool.

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