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Clutch Slave Cylinder

Guest Mich-Guzzi

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Guest Mich-Guzzi



I am a new Guzzi owner and just joined this forum. Of course, I have a problem that I hope the collective can provide some info. I just purchased a 2000 V11 Sport used with about 7,400 miles. It runs great but I have a problem with the clutch losing it's bleed. When it first happened (after about a 25 mile ride), I bled the clutch and it restored full activation. Then after another 25 miles, I lost the bleed again. This time I installed a speed bleeder and flushed and refilled the clutch fluid. Again, the clutch seems fine and a 25 mile test ride did not result in any more problems. But my concern is over the fluid I drained from the system. It was contaminated with something and was black (maybe oil???).


I don't have a service manual and I'm not sure how the slave cylinder is mated to the back of the trans. I'd like to pull the slave and either replace it or rebuild it but I don't know what happens when the slave is unbolted or if there is a rebuild kit.


Any ideas?


Thanks in advance,



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Guest ratchethack

Keith, welcome aboard! Sounds like you had a contaminant in there somehow. If you're sure it's stopped leaking, you should be OK now. Not trusting anyone else with my baby <_< , I removed & re-installed my trans for the recall myself, learning a lot about the bike in the process. The clutch slave cylinder comes straight back and out with removal of the 3 allen screws. It's as easy as that. Hope you enjoy your Sport as much as I enjoy mine! Good luck! :thumbsup:

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3 hex head bolts, I think 4mm, hold the master cylinder in place. Nothing to exciting once it is removed, just don't squeeze the clutch lever. :D

It will be an exercise in contoursionism :huh2: to get the damn thing out.

good luck :luigi:



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Guest Mich-Guzzi

Thanks for the advice. I'm not sure if it has stopped leaking but the clutch is still working. There has never been any evidence of a leak. One question: Is there a seal on the slave cylinder that seperates the trans oil from the slave cylinder? I'm wondering if the contamination could be trans oil? Or maybe it was the piston seal breaking down?


Does the trans oil leak out when you remove the slave?



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Guest ratchethack

Sorry Keith - Shoulda read your post a little closer. I take it that you never had a leak, it just went "spongy" at the lever, as if you somehow got air in the line or slave cylinder? Yes, the slave cylinder is "hermetically" sealed from the trans by absolute necessity. Never the twain fluids shall mix! No danger of cross-contamination whatsoever. Since the slave cyl. is at least an inch above the level of the trans lube, you're OK to just take it out without worry, but as I recall (year-old memory now) there's no access into the trans case from the slave cyl "socket" anyway. If I were you, I wouldn't mess with it if you're not experiencing continuing problems. Just bleed it until the fluid runs clear and don't worry about it. :thumbsup:

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Guest Mich-Guzzi

Well, that's exactly what I will do for now. But the lever didn't just get soft - it went away completely. So if it happens again far from home, it can cause a bit of a problem.


It is comforting to know that the trans oil can't intermix with the clutch fluid. That leaves seal deterioration as the probable cause for the black clutch fuid.


Any idea if Guzzi sells a rebuild kit?? If I lose the bleed again, either the slave gets rebuilt or replaced.


But not until it fails!! :P


Thanks again!



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Could the PO have used a fluid that was under-rated for this system, or used a silicone based oil? I'm just thowing this out- I don't think silicone oils are supposed to degrade rubber seals in a DOT 4 (the V11) system, but hey...it's a Guzzi. I'm just sayin'. I would flush and flush and flush the line, then start looking for a seal kit 'just in case'. Like you said, it wouldn't be any fun to loose the clutch across town from home (highway would be no problem I guess).


With respect to the seal in the transmission- that appears to be the same old type seal that Guzzi has used forever. A couple of o-rings around the clutch actuator rod and piston. They've been pretty reliable in my experience, but they do leak sometimes. Not into the clutch, but down the back of the case.


Welcome and good luck with it!


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Guest Mich-Guzzi

Well, I checked the bike last night and the clutch is gone again. The fluid system must have some type of slow leak that allows the clutch to lose the bleed but not leak any visable fluid. So now I just have to fine a new slave and do the install. My guess is that the seal around the piston is gone - maybe from the wrong type of fluid or whatever.


I'll report back when I get the slave out to let you know what happened.



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What does the level in the fill cup look like? Full? If so, then the leak is on one of the cylinders (master or slave). Given that black stuff came out when you bled the system (I'm assuming imeadiatly), I would suspect the slave. Bummer- the MC is a lot easier to get to.

Is the fluid in the fill cup clear and colorless (as hydraulic fluid can be)?

Not sure where you will get the parts- I'd try the usual suspects: MGCycle or MPH.


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Guest Mich-Guzzi

The level in the cup was normal and the fluid was darkened from age - but not black, just dark yellow. And the fluid level does not drop when the clutch goes away. I don't think the problem is with the master as there is no evidence of leakage. It's probably the slave piston seal as it would be the only area open to the air and any leaks would be contained between the cylinder and the casting. I'm searching for a new slave now. Once I get the new part, I will pull the old and disassemble to see.



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