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Draining the gas tank.....


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hey everyone


does anyone know a simple way to drain all the gas out of the tank? I'm havin the bike shiped to sicily on monday and the moving company said I had to drain it all. I've managed to siphen off most of it but there is still about a quarter of a gallon left.


Any ideas?





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This may sound odd, but in a situation like yours where you need it cleared of 'dangerous cargo' as the shippers call it, very quickly, I would slosh it out with water. It is a plastic tank, so no rust, the gasoline is lighter than water so will overflow first. When the bike gets to it's destination, you will have to evacuate the water residue to prevent running problems I believe with your '02 Lemans you will have the manual petcock, so you should be able to get more gasoline out than just by siphoning off from the fill cap. Unfortunately, both of these procedures will mean taking the tank off, which on these bikes takes a bit longer than average because of the multiple hook ups they have.

Given more time, you could have drained off the majority, and let it air out over a couple weeks with the top filler open, there would be little evidence of previous fuel.

Ciao, Steve G.

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Guest Brian Robson

Taking off the tank takes 10 minutes. Then just unscrew both of the fittings either side of the tank, drain the tank and put it back on.

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Thanks Steve. I wish I'd had more time to work on this. Unfortunitly I have limited access to the garage that I'm using to store my bike for the winter (budies garage, been gone for the last 15 days on leave, forgot to leave me the garage door opener <_ and i didn think this one through. waork on it guess.>





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Okay, out playin with the bike tryin to get the tank off. I see the fuel pump suction and the fuel retern line, already disconnected the gas cap drain line, what the heck is the 4th line of the tank? I left the shop manual at home and I have no way to get it. Feelin dumb :blush:

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Is it way up on the underside near the filler? If so, then it's a vapor recovery line. Easiest way to get to it is prop up the back of the tank with a 2X4 or something like that and reach up there. Mine didn't have a clamp on it. Also- be careful with the wires on the left side that go to the low-fuel indicator.

If you have the in-tank fuel pump, there will be wires to that as well.


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Guest Brian Robson

Careful in prying it off..usually the hose can be removed with gentle movement. Having a screwdriver up in there may be dangerous to the tank or the attachment.

Good luck :luigi:

You have the fairing off, don't you?

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:!: Don't get it all together, and turn on the ignition, otherwise the fuel pump will spew line residue back into the tank :!:


You might want to take the opportunity to replace your fuel filter, too.

or atleast backflush some crud out of it if you have some carb cleaner...

just my obscessive two cents...

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Guest Brian Robson

Add to that, the two bolts in front of the indicators and then the two mirrors (and of course the wire connections to the indicators), and the entire fairing can be lifted off from the front. :bier:

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I've already managed to lift the tank up with only removing 5 bolts so far. Besides, I'm working in a storage garage and loose nuts, bolts and parts have a way of disappering in cluttered areas.

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...Taking off the tank takes 10 minutes. ...


Only time I took tank off it took me ages & involved flooding the garage with petrol twice :wacko: before I discovered the manual petcock wasn't screwing right shut. Even when I'd WD40'd it & got it seemingly shut it still dripped petrol. As I recall there was fuel in the lines that poured out n'all. Is there fuel in the line still under pressure when you detach line from petcock? Can you run bike with petcock turned off to drain lines before removing tank or does FI not allow this & would you have to prime the system when you put it together. I had a nightmare with it & I dread doing the job again..... :(


KB :sun:

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I found that when you close the petcock you can start the bike and let it run it-self dry. That way when you take off the fuel line "most" of the fuel will be drained out. Their will still be a little left in the lines but that can be easly cought by by a rag.


I'm not sure about have to prime the system though. Seems to me the fuel pump should do the job for you. I'll let you know when I pick the bike up in Sicily.


Your right though, this job sucked. I think though that next time will be easier. With the execption of droping the tank on the cement :angry: I feel prity good about how the whole thing went. I won't feel nearly as nervous the next time I have to do it.



Thanks for everyones help.


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