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The Montreal Show

Guest Bruce

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Well some times life turns out different than you expect. Due to the un-timely passing of my friend and wingman everyone around here is seriously bummed so I was the only one to go to the show. I figured a change of scenary would help.


So, first off, not an MG to be seen, makes me wonder how they ever expect to sell them when no one knows they exist. Mostly acres and acres of crusier stuff. I spent most of the time at the Canadian Vintage Road Racer booth. Great guys and I really like the bikes. I suppose most people look at them as so much old junk but to me each bike has a story to tell and I look at them and can see the owner spending many enjoyable hours in the garage figuring it out. I bet they sound cool too. I guess I am out of synch with the motorcycle world in general.


Interesting stuff. There was a Yamaha MT-01 in the flesh which I though was not coming to NA. Pretty cool, really gets your attention. There was a 2.3 liter Triumph. Britian's answer to the Rune? A rekindling of the Triumph/Harley battles of old? I doubt anyone much cares anymore. To me it was just another cruiser. And the long rumored '05 KTM LC4 Adventure appeared. Very orange. Fox had the best babes, completely over the top, Montreal is hard to beat. :bier:


I checked out some Rukka riding gear ( from Finland ? ). Expensive indeed but the price seemed reasonable given the apparent build quality. Has anyone had first hand experience with them?


Other than that I ate dinner down some alley in China town, spent the evening with beatniks, watched some ice racing and shot pool for hours with an old friend. Although we never firgured it out the only conclusion was that you have to live life to the fullest.

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