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My life story


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I was born on a small farm in Stafford Tx in 1956. Growin' up, I was the most popular guy at Dulles High. I remember when my uncle Lonnie bought me my first pair of mail-order X-Ray Specs. It was never the same fer me after that. Sure, it was great bein able to look right thru a girl's dress, but it was the teknolergy that got me. I knew I had to go on to be a great inventer.


But woodnt yew know it, I fell in with a bad crowd an started smokin cigarettes out behind the barn. Before long folks started callin me a hoodlam. Then came the darkest day of my young life... I was arrested fer cow tippin.


To be continued

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Holy Shit... that's eerily the same as my life story... Are we twins separated by some tragic event, like an alien abduction :(


I think, from my vague recollections of that foggy time so many years ago... that the only discrepancy is that Snipe Hunting was also among my final family experiences.


Spooky :unsure:

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I remember when my uncle Lonnie bought me my first pair of mail-order X-Ray Specs. It was never the same fer me after that. Sure, it was great bein able to look right thru a girl's dress, but it was the teknolergy that got me. I knew I had to go on to be a great inventer.


.. I was arrested fer cow tippin.




You ain't spose 'ta(that's Texas talk for you Europeans) use them x-ray glasses to check out the cows.

That's beastiality-- and it's only legal in Amsterdam :grin:

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