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There are a ton of posts on this site about exhaust mods/options for the V11. I'm desperately seeking an option to the stock exhaust (too quiet and restrictive), but I really can't come to any solid conclusions by reading the posts.


So -- a few questions:


Has anyone spoken to MG North America as to the availability of the Titanium high mount exhaust? If so, what do they say?


There's recent mention of a "race" version of the Quat-D -- where can it be had from -- and how much to the US?


My dealer "sniffs" at the mention of Mistrals -- anyone hazard a guess as to why?


The FBF slip-ons look good, but I'm hearing bad things about FBF in general -- any thoughts?


The Ross Puro Italia site has some options -- someone asked about the "Scarichi" pipes. I believe he was asking about the DPM pipes -- as scarichi -- best as I can tell -- is simply Italian for exhaust.


Also, for you "pre-big-rear-tire guys," I saw a D&D megaphone system (full) MOUNTED ON A 2001 V11 recently -- a bit clunky, but sounded BEAUTIFUL.


All I'm asking for is a COMPLETE LISTING of exhaust options for our bikes with (hopefully) sound files.


Damn shame about the Leo Vinces...


Let's just get a listing together once and for all and get it over with.


For the record, though, I tend to favor LOUDER exhaust setups.





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there are many options on this FAQ http://www.v11lemans.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=501

AS for me I've contacted everyone under the SUN the MG ti's are currently MIA, Funny your dealer "sniffed" at the idea of mistral since the MG Ti's are made by Mistral. I was the one that asked about the "itialian for pipes" because I didn't see what they were called but they are DAMN expensive with the exchange. I inquired with my local dealership about the MG ti's and he said with the price increase he could reserve me a set to be produced (TBA) and they would cost me an easy 1,200 a HUGE jump over the 900 they were. I looked into FBF because everyone said they were LOUD but they no longer make the Ti's (so I hear) and I get good responses about the M4's but I'd almost rather have something itialian but the M4's are in the maby column, I've talked with Galeseti and they want me to speka itialian anyone know the cost on these bad boys the high mount ones look super sweet. Other than that I'm lost I like the darker Titanium look of the MG's and haven't seen ones that compare but the Mistral ovals come close but at the same price as the Ti kit was and you don't get them high mount or a CDI which means you then need a PCIII for sure. I guess someone do the impossible and tell me what I should do I only have aprox 500-800 to spend I'll go as high as $1,000 if its really worth it but thats with shipping included. I just feel lost running around in circles the last few weeks :huh2:


but I still love my goose I just want it to have a louder Honk. oh and no flat spot




  v50man said:


There are a ton of posts on this site about exhaust mods/options for the V11.  I'm desperately seeking an option to the stock exhaust (too quiet and restrictive), but I really can't come to any solid conclusions by reading the posts.


So -- a few questions:


Has anyone spoken to MG North America as to the availability of the Titanium high mount exhaust?  If so, what do they say?


There's recent mention of a "race" version of the Quat-D -- where can it be had from -- and how much to the US?


My dealer "sniffs" at the mention of Mistrals -- anyone hazard a guess as to why?


The FBF slip-ons look good, but I'm hearing bad things about FBF in general -- any thoughts?


The Ross Puro Italia site has some options -- someone asked about the "Scarichi" pipes.  I believe he was asking about the DPM pipes -- as scarichi -- best as I can tell -- is simply Italian for exhaust.


Also, for you "pre-big-rear-tire guys," I saw a D&D megaphone system (full) MOUNTED ON A 2001 V11 recently -- a bit clunky, but sounded BEAUTIFUL.


All I'm asking for is a COMPLETE LISTING of exhaust options for our bikes with (hopefully) sound files.


Damn shame about the Leo Vinces...


Let's just get a listing together once and for all and get it over with.


For the record, though, I tend to favor LOUDER exhaust setups. 







I like my Mistrals. Just enough deep throated boom to just barely chirp the car alarms without irritating the neighbors into showing up at my door with pitchforks and blazing torches. Tell your dealer to stuff it.


Gents --


My dealer -- like myself -- tends toward the LOUDER pipes, and feels the Mistrals don't offer as much "bark" as they could. I've heard a few and am undecided.


The exact frustration of 'DEBenGUZZI" (SP?) IS WHY I posted this.


Let's lay out ALL of the options and get on with it. Enough hearsay -- I want facts!!!


LOVE the Quat-D layout, but HATE the sound file supplied by DLaing. E3 certified? Catalyzed? No thanks.






and what exactly is VAT added to everything overseas I don't get it? some kind of tax or is it shipping but that wouldn't seem right.




the M4s look TEXAS TACKY!!!!!!!!!


Take 'em off my option list. Why not goTwo Bros -- or, worse yet, Yoshimura?





  DeBenGuzzi said:
and what exactly is VAT added to everything overseas I don't get it? some kind of tax or is it shipping but that wouldn't seem right.



VALUE ADDED TAX! Kind of like if we had a flat tax, but there's more on top of this.


I'll stay in USA -- for now...


So can I get them without the VAT? since I would be ordering them from outside of europe or does that not matter, and if that is true then why even advertise a price then the VAT price. so confusing.

  DeBenGuzzi said:
So can I get them without the VAT? since I would be ordering them from outside of europe or does that not matter, and if that is true then why even advertise a price then the VAT price. so confusing.



I dunno. That's why i stick with a queue of TRUSTED American dealers and let THEM handle the intercontinental nonsense.


Still -- I'm looking for a DEFINITIVE LIST OF EXHAUST OPTIONS...






I see a Green Guzzi V11 nekkid with stupid stickers on Ebay BUT it has Termignoni Pipes I've tried looking for these b4 but it must be a custom job. anyone know anything about these pipes I know they make things for ducati I don't like the look of the ones on the green guzzi but if they had others...

We should just upgrade the exhaust FAQ I think one or two of the links don't work anymore and some places have changed what they make or don't make.

Posted (edited)

I started putting together a list last year. These are mainly systems that seemed like they might be available in the U.K., however I couldn't get any help from local dealers, who wouldn't acknowledge that options for Guzzi exist – and I gave up.


There will be additional options for you USA folk.


Anyway, this is a start. It could be added to with part numbers, web addresses, pictures, suppliers...


Moto Guzzi Ti kit + ECU £846

no front balance pipe no:

front balance pipe:

MG V11 Aluminum Mufflers

No: 99999983



round Alu M00125A, £299.99,

CF M00125C, £449.99


Carbon Can Co


Fast by Ferracci

F33700 CF slip ons 689 dollars?

F33700T Ti



high level



Maxi oval racing

Alu 73317A, CF 73317C1, Ti 73317T1


Leo Vince

Leo vince SBK Alloy £339.12 + vat

Type: KR Alloy 5431, Carbon 5432, Ti 5433


Mistral / Lameroni - lots of options

Round aluminum $477.88     

Round carbon $750

Oval carbon $895

MG3001 aluminium

MG3002 Titanium

MG3003 carbon

MG3004 Ti oval

MG3005 carbon oval

MG3006 crossover?

MG3007 Aluminium oval



Road Legal, Race: £600



SS oval £290 + vat each

balance pipe £185+vat



Round: SS, £480

Ti, £540

CF, £570

Oval: SS,Ti, CF: £520 £580 £610


Shark: Alu & CF



Twin Oval Sport Race Mufflers Removable Restrictor

£444.61 £522.42 inc vat


Venom road legal oval cans

titanium £228.20



*Actually, Al has already done this, hasn't he: in fact that's probably where I got most of the info from in the first place, last year. Whoops – nothing like reinventing the wheel...

Edited by belfastguzzi

What about Raceco? Has anyone experience of their kit?


Cans2029.jpg Renegade


Leo Vince






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