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Martin Barrett

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Wasn't sure what a connigget was so did a search sole answer apparently an all powerful monkey - So tremor in fear you lesser simians ( insert despotic smilie)


a picture would be nice - worth a thousand words - two nations seperated by a common language


get yourself a none elected head of state and you to can have Jubilees and therefore jubilee clips :D

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amateur bodgers! The only tools a true master bodger needs are:


1) WD-40

2) duct tape

3) 5lb hammer


Use the WD-40 for things that are supposed to move but don't.

Use the duct tape for things that move that aren't supposed to.

Use the hammer for fine adjustments.





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amateur bodgers!  The only tools a true master bodger needs are:


1)  WD-40

2)  duct tape

3)  5lb hammer


Use the WD-40 for things that are supposed to move but don't.

Use the duct tape for things that move that aren't supposed to.

Use the hammer for fine adjustments.




Hi Ryan,


I have a friend, who is a devoted Land Rover owner. I took the liberty to forward your attached picture and my buddy wasn't utterly impressed :D (guess there must be something about it....)



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Guest Nogbad

Commissioning an incinerator last year I told one of my assistants that one of the steam traps appeared not to be working.... Next thing I see is the guy climbing up there holding a 5lb lump hammer :huh2:

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Yeah, Land Rover owners aren't easily impressed... certainly not by anything I have to offer! :D



Now this guy headin' up to fix the steam vent... here's the fine line between dangerous idiot and master bodger. Idiot - goes up with hammer alone. Bodger - always prepared, brings along WD-40 and duct tape just in case...


Kind of like the fine line between moron and genius.





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