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Pirelli Diablo to Corsa Comparison

Mike Stewart

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Mark, did you make the crossover yourself? You do have a connection between the pipes? You should. And it looks your PVM rearwheel isn't in the middle too.


You can machine off the outside of the reardrive easy, looks better. Look at my website to see what I mean. Did you need to cutoff some steel from the rearframe to get the tail on?

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Guest markbar

Right ho! I´m off to peruse Paul´s web site :bier:


This may take a while, back soon :)


Tail is bolted (yes with small adjustments), Exhaust is a Bos titanium system (I didn´t do any of it myself, has an interference link before the pipes cross), yes, the back wheel is a bit off centre but this doesn´t seem to affect steering significantly but I shall check out yr site for a few ideas, nothing has been done to pegs or bars yet and I need to go over the suspension settings again as front feels softer than rear (I shall check through this site for a few ideason setting up).





PS edit: hmmm... nice daytona, I keep getting distracted at yr site and am not concentrating on what I´m looking for :D


PPS edit2: amazing dynotec daytona, still haven´t found the v11 rear wheel bit though....

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Guest markbar


that looks great! I don´t have the equipment to do this though, am very interested though as less unsprung mass might alleviate some of the suspension setup difficulties.


Action-list now for the bike:

clip-ons below 3clamp

adjustable rearsets

frame fixation and lowering of instruments with bikini fairing

machining final drive and rear-wheel centering


and, of course, driving it a bit.



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that looks great! I don´t have the equipment to do this though, am very interested though as less unsprung mass might alleviate some of the suspension setup difficulties.

I know some people who did it with simple tools, takes some time. But the weight saving is marginal, it looks half the weight, but isn't. First see how the suspension sag is. Look at the ohlins setup guide, also here in the forum :


I've also had a scura for a short time, front is soft and rear to hard, was my feeling too. Depending on your weight, maybe a softer spring? Or loosen the spring preload. But first set the suspension as in the Ohlins manual. Then you will find if the spings are correct.


Action-list now for the bike:

clip-ons below 3clamp

adjustable rearsets

frame fixation and lowering of instruments with bikini fairing

machining final drive and rear-wheel centering


I do have a pair clipons for sale, light but non adjustable. a bit more money are the MR technik clipons, very nice and light. http://www.mr-motorradtechnik.de/ but stil half the price of the deas clions.

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...maybe a softer spring? ...


Not unless your a very, very wee man. As Paul says depends on your weight but chances are the rear spring is too soft & suspension is harsh cos of excessive damping. I'd be surprised if the answer isn't more spring & less damping on the rear.


What do you weigh?


Have you set sag?


What are your preload/damping settings F & R?




KB :sun:

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Guest markbar

Paul, I may well be interested in the clip-ons, what sort of price range were you thinking of? Have you any experience with frame-fixation of the mini-fairing and instruments ie getting the weight on the frame and off the forks?


Baldini, I haven´t done any suspension fiddling yet as am doing a couple of hundred kilometres first on a variety of roads to get a feel for the bike but thanks and I shall read the setup guide...

Ahh, weight, I get the impression that as time passes what came off the bike is reappearing on me.... probably an optimistic high eighties, honest low nineties in kilos but am trying currently to get rid of a bit of winter flab.... so not really a very wee man I suppose :)


My memories from reading performance bikes in the early 90´s tell me to take the damping out towards low, set the sag then slowly feed in the damping again...

The rear feels just a touch harsh but is very planted which is a good thing so I´m inclined to back off the damping at the rear a bit then start with the front setup, the aim is to get a fairly front wheel orientated riding position with plenty of feel for what the front is doing.

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...aim is to get a fairly front wheel orientated riding position ...




Me too, but I reckon that the limiting factor is the tank which is too long & doesn't let you get over front end. Nobody else seems bothered by it so it maybe just personal preference....but the V11 tank pushes you way further back than the old Tontis did, & doesn't let you get over the front wheel.


You already let forks down thru the yokes it looks like in photo?


If you weigh 200lb, then the stock springs are probably too soft for you. I'm about 190 & went to 100Kg rear & may go more. Stock is 85Kg. Is bike second hand to you? Spring may already be changed. Rate is marked at top.


On stock fork springs I couldn't get sag correct until just half turn off max preload. 10Kg springs brought all preload adj back (std I think are 8.5 Kg).


I found Scura on stock settings a real liability when pushed. Front would run wide in corners & if you hit a bump while leant over it'd straighten up & head for the scenery ... frightened me a couple of times. Changing the springs helped a lot but I think the rear shock needs revalving & am getting the job done next month.


That's a nice collection of bicycles you have there...


KB :sun:

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Guest markbar

Last weekend´s trip was particularly interesting because we had two scura´s, one original on bt020´s, mine with the above changes and diablo corsas (to get back on thread a bit) and the difference in corners (and weight, handling, braking, the lot) were enormous, the original scura reminded me a bit of my old lemans where you really needed to be sitting on the tank to get it through corners (the orig scura runs wide and needed its forks dropped a good way imo), frankly it was a bit scary if you misjudged the corner at all but this is, of course, part of the guzzi charm (developed my old lemans over 12 years). So the scura has definitely come a long way and can be chucked into corners with a reasonable amount of abandon and is definitely good for hassling duc monsters in the swervery. It justs needs a bit of tweaking now, I am very happy with it.


I´m tempted to drop by a thursday afternoon Hockenheim "Touristenfahrt" if they still do them (haven´t been there for years, it´s just down the road from here) and see how it behaves there... it´s a new track layout now, I think the short track layout is more or less similar though...

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