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Guest Brian Robson

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Well Brian, we're sorry to see you "leave the fold" but one can't be faulted for your perspective on the issue based upon your experience.... and there's nothing wrong with changing bikes every few years for something different.


Hopefully we'll see you back on another Guzzi in the future! :thumbsup:



Have fun on that old slow R1 ;)

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I'm Seriously considering a Aprilia 04' RSV-R Demo bike from Delano motorsports if its still there next summer (the price they want is a lil high) I'll look at snatching it up but I think I'll keep the Goose and they can be what exactly? cousins step brothers formerly step father, its so confusing but hey 'If you can't keep it in your pants keep it in the family' :lol:

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'If you can't keep it in your pants keep it in the family'  :lol:



That is wrong on SO many levels.


Glad to hear you're getting another bike, Brian. Also, sorry to hear about your troubles with the Guzzi. Hopefully, you'll get another in the future.


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Brian, too bad but understandable. Have fun with the R1, and don't be a stranger!


BTW, now that Enzo has vanished from this board, I had somewhat expected your move.... you probably will kick some new butt on the R1 board. :D

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BTW, now that Enzo has vanished from this board, I had somewhat expected your move....  you probably will kick some new butt on the R1 board. :D



That would be fun to see. They wouldn't know what hit them.

How'd ya like the wheelie Brian? I just thought I'd leave you a good Guzzi farewell as you left on your high powered R1!!!!!

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Guest Brian Robson
Brian, too bad but understandable. Have fun with the R1, and don't be a stranger!


BTW, now that Enzo has vanished from this board, I had somewhat expected your move....  you probably will kick some new butt on the R1 board. :D



I will continue to post on this board as I have every intention of buying another Guzzi, and relatively soon. Money forces me to have one bike at a time, and I have not previously had any real affection for any of my bikes, but the LeMans was the exception and I was very sad to leave it, but it is in a good dealership with great people and will find a good new home.

This board is filled with terrific people, and I have been lucky to meet some of you in the flesh.

Jim, that wheely was awesome. :bier:

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This inner bearing was replaced when the first needle bearing and inner ring were replaced...




Pleased to hear you got thru that unscathed. It is unclear what caused your problem but, given the use you put it to, I can see how you would lose confidence in the bike & cut your losses.


My first thought when something fails is; what has been done recently connected with that part? If I understand correctly, bearing (large ball bearing in bevel box pt no 92 20 80 14 ?) & inner race (only) of the needle bearing were recently replaced, the latter being machined by shop. Were parts correct, good quality & correctly fitted? Was axle nut torqued up? (I got interupted during an oil change once & didn't tighten sump bolt...:o I was lucky the road was straight)...etc.


When something like this happens we're all wondering if we're next & it knocks an already shakey confidence in the model. Hope you don't take this wrong but it'd be good to know - was the problem generic or perculiar to your bike cos of previous work done? If it ever becomes clear what exactly happened, please let us know. Thanks.


Meanwhile, take it easy Mr Angry, & keep in touch.... :thumbsup:


KB :sun:

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Guest Brian Robson

This bearing was indeed replaced at 40,000Km along with the needle bearing and inner race. My feeling that this should be a 40,000Km automatic change as it is a cheaper bearing. :2c:

Yes, the axle was done up correctly and in fact the bike was running beautifully prior to the incident. I feel it is a one off episode and don't blame either the store or MG, and certainly bearing failure is not unique to MG, but the result was slightly trouser filling.

MG will provide a bike for me in the future and the store has a customer for life, and we all benefited in the end.

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I know from reading this forum Brian that you are a high mileage rider and it is a shame to see you part with your V11 but I can understand why.


I am sure you will find that your R1 will be fine for high mileage use- round the world record breaker Nick Sanders uses one (albeit a freebie from Yamaha) and last time I saw his 2002 model, it had about 60000 miles on it.


I believe he is off for a new attempt at the record next month- this time on the newer model R1.


He will need the beat the existing world record of 19 days 8 hours and 25 minutes- over 19000 miles.


Good luck on your new machine!


Guy :helmet:

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and we all benefited in the end.


I did anyway. It was timely for me that you posted your story just when I was musing over the needle roller bearing. Your post prompted me to take out the too tight new bearing I had just put in and have another go. So thanks, but sorry about your experience in the first place. You'll have to let us know how you get on with the R1, after a while.

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I like the R1 well enough but its so cookie cutter to me I see so many of them and they are mostly ridden by ppl that have no idea how to use one. Tis a shame a great privateer bike tho. I like them a lot but I would feel like a poser on one. Maybe I'll look no different on the RSV-R too but I like thier feel more. whacha gonna do, different strokes for different folks :huh2::stupid:

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This bearing was indeed replaced at 40,000Km along with the needle bearing and inner race. My feeling that this should be a 40,000Km automatic change as it is a cheaper bearing. :2c:.

MG will provide a bike for me in the future and the store has a customer for life, and we all benefited in the end.



Hi Brian,


I would also like to thank-you for this post as I am just about to replace rear tire and at ~46,000 km on the clock will take your advice and check/replace the rear spacer and wheel bearings (already had the left side replaced at ~14,000 under warranty) as well as those in the bevel box.


I couldn't agree more re the service out of Chilliwack.


Cheers and good luck with the R1,



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That would be fun to see. They wouldn't know what hit them.

How'd ya like the wheelie Brian? I just thought I'd leave you a good Guzzi farewell as you left on your high powered R1!!!!!


Are there pictures of this supposed 'Wheelie' can you do it off the throttle or do you have to clutch it like the V11's? I try not to get my Goose airborn they don't like it very much but they can fly if you have to.

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