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Once again, this has probably been asked before - if so many apologies.


The matt black parts of my bike (tank, fairing) are in excellent condition after 22,000 miles, but there are shiny splats which witness the impact of long-deceased insects and general road grime. I've tried removing these blemishes with soapy water, white spirit, methalyted spirits and matt polish - all to no avail. Any tips or hints?

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I had some stuff bigbegone(worthless) and some grime remover crap(also worthless) What worked best for me getting the deep down grime was a lil elbow grease and regular dish soap. Have you tried buffing it a little or you Might want to try some industrial degreaser type cleaner I had one that was in an areosol can but I can't remember the name right now but make sure it doesn't take your paint off with it Possibly carb/brake cleaner that stuff cleans up almost anything but again watch the paint. How do you like your MGS I see you're a Guzziholic Rock on :thumbsup::mg:

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For removing small roadkill: Most of the times the cheapest solution is the best solution; After every ride dip a cloth in water (I use rainwater; leaves no stains) and cover the dirty parts. After 15 minutes of soaking you can wipe off the bugs with the same cloth. Works great with helmet visors too.


For road grime, brake dust, etc, I use S100 bike cleaner.

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Autoglym motorcycle cleaner works brilliantly on tough grime- I have just returned the brake calipers on Helen's bike back to brand new condition after removing the deeply imbedded black grime that had stuck on.


Available from Halfords- its strong stuff though so be careful to rinse thoroughly and don't leave it on the bike for too long.


Guy :helmet:

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For removing small roadkill: Most of the times the cheapest solution is the best solution; After every ride dip a cloth in water (I use rainwater; leaves no stains) and cover the dirty parts. After 15 minutes of soaking you can wipe off the bugs with the same cloth. Works great with helmet visors too.



I use the same technique but I add dish soap and vinegar to the water and it is amazing.


Nice to see another MGS owner join the fray!

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A question for you GB: what is matt polish – presumably a polish that dries to a matt finish – and where do you get it?

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in response to belfastguzzi...


Matt polish - I was referring to the stuff you can get from Halfords etc for refinishing black plastic - "Back to Black" I think - it re-blackens where there are scratches, scuffs etc, but dries to a matt, or semi-matt finish - excellent on black plastic, but useless on black Guzzi bits!


Thanks to all for your replies - the problem is not getting rid of the fly-squash, but getting rid of the shiny mark that it leaves on the matt surfaces.


No such probs on the Corsa - likely that the only recurring prob I'll have with him is being repeatedly stopped by the police for having no lights etc., But hey, small price to pay for biking heaven!

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