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This appeared in the Modesto (Central Valley area, CA, USA) letters to the editor on Sat. 30 April 2005. It was apparently a response to another letter written by someone complaining of the loud mufflers on a lot of motorcycles...believe me this is Harley country here.




"Losers" safer with loud mufflers.


In regard to the woman who complains about motorcycle noise ("Bring an end to noise pollution", April 10): The reason for the loud mufflers is safety. If you can hear me coming, hopefully you will see me.


But being labelled a "pathetic loser" is an outrage. I would like to see your expression when I and a few thousand other pathetic losers join on June 4th for the 11th Annual Sierra Hope Run. Perhaps you would like to stop by and meet and greet some of the nicest and most generous losers in the valley!


signed: Debbie Dalton, Modesto


:2c: I knew it was just a matter of time before this pathetic dribble bled over from the (mostly) Harley crowd into the mainstream media....


Joe (Modesto CA USA)


:rasta: PS I wrote a non-abrasive response to the editor suggesting other ways (headlite modulator, safety-vest and full face DOT approved helmet) for Debbie to enhance her safety. Doubt that it'll print though.

Guest Nogbad

She could enhance her safety by riding a proper bike rather than an underbraked evil handling Hardly Ableson


why can't we all just get along and ride our own rides? ha ha! :drink:

heck, my goose and harley both set off car alarms equally....and a good exhaust note is key for parting the cager waters when traffic is dead stop (lane splitting legal in CA--though still not the smartest thing...but then again have you seen the 405?).



  gh67 said:
why can't we all just get along and ride our own rides?  ha ha!  :drink:

heck, my goose and harley both set off car alarms equally....and a good exhaust note is key for parting the cager waters when traffic is dead stop  (lane splitting legal in CA--though still not the smartest thing...but then again have you seen the 405?).




Lane splitting IS leagal? you kidding me? I know its not legal here, well I think so but there is barely ever a reason to do it. :huh2:


Yes "lane sharing" in California is technically "not illegal"(subtle difference).


Do a search here, or on any bike forum for "lane splitting" and you'll find lots and lots of discussion on the topic, and its vague legality in California.


Basically, since the CHP can do it, so can I... but it is very loosely defined, so one had better do it "responsibly", otherwise the CHP will "bust your ass" :P



But although opinions differ, "lane splitting" and "filtering"(slightly different), are a real "life saver" in my opinion, and really makes the case for motorcycling in areas with lots of congestion.


Both Washington State and Texas recently had State legislation to legalize splitting there, but from what I recall both failed.




Back on the topic of "loud pipes", my opinion here is split.


On the one hand, I am happy that the "Loud Pipes Saves Lives" is tied to America and Apple Pie HD lemmings(note: not all HD owner are such, I know) ... such that I'm less likely to get grief with my aftermarket pipes since no God Fearing American is going to limit "Biker Freedom" :rolleyes:


But on the other hand, so many HD owners are "pushing the envelope" with OBNOXIOUSLY loud pipes for nothing else than to "impress", that I'm worried about a backlash.







Back on the topic of "loud pipes", my opinion here is split.


On the one hand, I am happy that the "Loud Pipes Saves Lives" is tied to America and Apple Pie HD lemmings(note: not all HD owner are such, I know) ... such that I'm less likely to get grief with my aftermarket pipes since no God Fearing American is going to limit "Biker Freedom" :rolleyes:


But on the other hand, so many HD owners are "pushing the envelope" with OBNOXIOUSLY loud pipes for nothing else than to "impress", that I'm worried about a backlash.








  al_roethlisberger said:
But on the other hand, so many HD owners are "pushing the envelope" with OBNOXIOUSLY loud pipes for nothing else than to "impress", that I'm worried about a backlash.






When all you've got is a low revving 50HP motor, those loud pipes make it seem so much more than it really is.

  callison said:
When all you've got is a low revving 50HP motor, those loud pipes make it seem so much more than it really is.


Now can I get an Amen brothers! :notworthy: Thats very true I want a harely with Standard pipes I wish they would outlaw the straights and thunder pipes ppl strap onto thier bikes. Loud pipes may save lives but Obnoxious pipes kill brain cells. I believe Safe driving and knowing your surroundings save more. I want a Harley but I wish it was stronger faster more agile all together quicker without having to add $10-12K for the Screaming Eagle package :moon:


I completely agree with Al's split decision. Unfortunately, too many of the "lemmings" with straight pipes are ruining it for the rest. This more comes down to riding style and attitude than the actual decibels of the pipes. I'm talking about the folks who feel the need to "wham" their throttle at every intersection, parking garage, or tunnel. This goes for any style of bike....unfortunately there are a lot of newbies with more $ than experience out there who jump and harleys and choppers and go down this path of annoyance.

  DeBenGuzzi said:
I want a Harley but I wish it was stronger faster more agile all together quicker without having to add $10-12K for the Screaming Eagle package  :moon:


DenBen, I have to agree that it does cost too much...on top of an already overpriced v-twin to get to the 100hp mark (more like $4K). Now the real questions is..am I talking about a harley or guzzi...guess I'm on the guzzi forum today...so of course I must be talking about those damn harley's. :P All depends what side of the fence your on.....I think fences are stupid.


It all comes down to riding style and whether you are truly into cruising along 50 mph and enjoying the peace and fresh air with your brain bucket or whether you want to crank up the adrenaline and hit the twisties in a sport bike. For my cruising and long trip purposes, the harley has more hp than I'll ever need and I don't have (nor can afford) land speed record expectations for the 800lb gorilla ...I'd even be ok with the 50hp. :race:


ride on

  gh67 said:
I have to agree that it does cost too much...on top of an already overpriced v-twin to get to the 100hp mark (more like $4K).


Maybe in your area but I looked into it and the road king was something in the manner of 20k maybe it was 21K and the Screaming eagle king was $30k, The true screaming eagle not the package with the larger engine and the awful paint scheme. Icky :vomit:

Guest whart

I've got a Harley- a modified V-Rod to be precise, and it actually has power and can handle within the limits of a 600lb. plus bike that is long, low and heavy. I think the backlash has already begun- not just the general complaints about "life quality" but, for example, in the small town down the road, which is a haven in the summer for motorcyclists and bicyclists alike, they have engaged the services of some sound pollution engineer; i think the guy is going to take db readings and memorialize his findings, so that the town can pass a ban that might hold up against vagueness challenges. Having ridden with the Harley crowd, as well as a number of others, I can tell you some of the bikes are obnoxiously loud, and go way beyond what is necessary to hear them coming; it's more like a violent gnashing sound, accompanied by a huge bass rumble. Sometimes i enjoy hearing just how frightening these exhausts can sound- vicious like a race car being revv'd in the pits. But, just like smoking, getting fat and other obnoxious habits, i'd bet the days of the insanely loud exhaust are numbered, at least here in the "touchy-feely" part of the States near New York City. (where there is already so much noise you can't hear yourself think). :whistle:

  DeBenGuzzi said:
Maybe in your area but I looked into it and the road king was something in the manner of 20k maybe it was 21K and the Screaming eagle king was $30k, The true screaming eagle not the package with the larger engine and the awful paint scheme. Icky  :vomit:



You're right, if you saw a Screaming Eagle Road King that they made over the past few years (N/A for 05), then it would be very close to $30K. AFAIK they all had the 1550cc engine. But I would never spend that much on a bike that has been pre-customized "all harley" from the factory. You pay $5K above 1550 cost for extra chrome that you may or may not like. For around $4-5K (assuming you do your own work), you can turn a stock HD touring or softail into a 1550 (includes cams, etc), bigger intake, PCIII, 2into1's....and still have money left over to buy the chrome and suspension you want. Oh ya, and no fugly brown paint scheme..yuck. but we digress....all this talk of the other v-twin. :)

Guest davidb

I think they should ban quiet pipes. I like loud pipes. We should let the government control our lives and you know they know best. Just look how they have invested the social security fund....oops I forgot.. they don't... they spend it in the general fund and pay the benifits with our taxes.


I don't think that loud pipes will actually warn someone that you're coming unless they're aimed forward instead of to the rear. I haven't seen anyone "individualistic" enough to do that yet...


Full face helmets, protective clothing, and skillful riding techniques save lives! Loud pipes piss people off.


When is the last time that you heard loud pipes and saw the owner wearing a fiberglass beanie, fingerless gloves, and a T shirt? :moon:


Maybe the reason that loud pipes save lives is that they are so annoying that their owners can only ride about 500 miles a year. That sure cuts down on the odds! :doh:

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