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rear disc makes noise, not bearing right?

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You guys are crackin' me up. 


And congrats on getting a chemist as a girlfriend, David.    :wub::nerd::wub:


I thought I told you about her.

She is into metallo proteins!

Right up your alley!

Although I guess she has not worked on them in years...damn PI with big ideas, and no money....

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Guest ratchethack

Ack! I return from a day away and it seems things have descended into the mire. If I have offended, I apologize. -_- This was surely not my intent!


If I return to this thread I'll be armed with more scientfically-based fact and conclusive evidence than we've seen thus far in this thread!


Until then, I'm done here! :D

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Ack!  I return from a day away and it seems things have descended into the mire.  If I have offended, I apologize. -_-  This was surely not my intent!


If I return to this thread I'll be armed with more scientfically-based fact and conclusive evidence than we've seen thus far in this thread!


Until then, I'm done here! :D


No John, things were in the mire before that day away.

Ditto on the apology.

But we will keep sticking it to you until you admit that having freeplay is safer.

Heck, I have admitted I was wrong about all fluids coefficient of thermal expansion.

When you come back, maybe you can explain why you arguing that zero freeplay is better than freeplay.

That is what you are arguing, right?

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I thought I told you about her.

She is into metallo proteins!

Right up your alley!

Although I guess she has not worked on them in years...damn PI with big ideas, and no money....





OK...OK, what are metallo proteins?!

i did a search on line and could not come up with anything i could understand...

(it's driving me crazy!!)

the most i could figure out, is that they have some sort of 'healing' factor to them...

to it...whatever :huh:



help....i can't go to sleep....please :wacko: i need to know



PS btw, my rear brake does squeak...but i don't mind :thumbsup:

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OK...OK, what are metallo proteins?!

Metallo Proteins are what Iron Man has for breakfast. And more releavant to the conversation, Brembo grows metallic brake pads out out of metal alloys and proteins (whey powder).

If I am wrong, I am sure Jason can correct me.

Or you can go here:


EDIT SH^T! Sorry, I just gave up Iron Man's secret identity :homer:

EDIT 2 I was BS'ing about the brake pads.

PS if your rear pads are making noise, see if they get hot from riding without the rear brake applied.

You should probably clean them if they are noisy, and if they are hot and noisy, like your women, you should clean them before your next ride.

EDIT 3...sorry, I took the thread into an even deeper mire.

EDIT 4 And make sure you have some freeplay.

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Not really.

I don't know if there are any metallo protein engineered products on the market.

I am pretty sure that the imprisoned aliens at area 54 knew alot more about metallo proteins than we may ever know.

Of course the only evidence we civilians have is their silver skin.

I suspect the little green man were on a diet of copper loaded Metabolife®

Now if we just let Jason get back to work, maybe we can have a coppertone skin, too!

But seriously, do chew through Jason's website.

It is a little vague to us layman what he is up to, but their are some potential real world applications mentioned.

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Mr. Goldfinger was a nut case!

I don't think it was the gold that killed her, but the sealing effect of the paint.

No real metallo protein action going on there.

What a perfect waste of a beautiful women.


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You'll get more hits if you drop the space in metalloprotein.


Actually, David's place of employment is one of the premier research institutions in the world for this subject.

Simply put, a metalloprotein is any protein that has a metal in it. An example is hemoglobin- the protein that carries oxygen in your...I mean our blood (yeah "our" that's right, I'm one of you, my skin always has this pallor). Hemoglobin is a protein, but the business end that carries the oxygen is an atom of iron. The protein part is mostly scaffolding.


PS: And for 'energy supplements' or 'diet and exercise enhancements'. That sh*t is about as effective as the products that claim to give you a couple extra inches...in length and girth.


Eat well, excercise. That's the ticket.


(David- don't be giving me away now...)

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PS: And for 'energy supplements' or 'diet and exercise enhancements'.  That sh*t is about as effective as the products that claim to give you a couple extra inches...in length and girth. 





SHIT!! you mean...i'm imagining all that!? :o




seriously,...being able to design at that level sounds pretty cool. You know, you don't actually get to 'see' the stuff, can't be touched or 'experienced'...pretty interesting... science=groovy.

I kind of understand, i design stuff that is not there... is in my head, but when you're done, you get to see it and touch it and 'taste' it....(no, i'm not a pastry chef) :lol: ... mmnn ... brownies sound good right about now <_>

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