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Should I add parts like these to my 1100i?


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Well many times now and in some shops I have seen some parts made of ergal and it is reported to be lighter thatn the originals, the question is if it is worthy spending a few (or more)bucks to make mods to my bike adding stuff like that.?? :huh2:

Are they long lasting or better lasting that the original?. So at least in the thought of changing them maybe just buy them and have them stock for a "emergency" use.So are these any worth? What do I gain or loose?? :huh2:


There is one part of me saying get parts like these for your bike and another part saying let it original the factory knew better why they put there some heavy parts in there.c024.gif

Ergal 1 Clutch

Ergal 2


Thanks in advance. :bier:

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part1 , i'm not going to say anthing more about clutches, there is a very long tread about them find it. and you know.

part2 It's that pete roper is on holiday in the usa, else he would have told you why not. maybe it's in a tread here too.

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Lol thanks Paul, will take a look, I'll just have a search on Clutch plate , if that's the right word for the Schwungscheibe...hmm flywheel is....


THe Pete Roper thing I didn't undertstand (after reading multiple times)....LMAO :unsure:

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I have searched and found,actually they don't seem to be 100% reliable so the opinions are devided.Besides to tell you the truth I don't want some aluminiun thing rotating at high speeds and high tourge.

Besides that, the original can also break (but unlikelly) , like on a friend's of mine Daytona RS he has a 135HP motor and has abused it to the core....LOL.But dont remember if it broke before or after the mods.

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I have to say though... if someone made a reliable STEEL set of timing gears for the V11, I'd be the first on the block to slap some in(as long as they weren't $400 or something :rolleyes: )!! :bike:



Why? ...no good reason, other than I LOVE the whine of my friend's '98 VFR with gear driven cams :D



Really, that's the only reason :P I'm quite sure the chain we have is totally sufficient in the 'performance' category :thumbsup:



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Guest Steve_W
I have to say though... if someone made a reliable STEEL set of timing gears for the V11, I'd be the first on the block to slap some in(as long as they weren't $400 or something  :rolleyes: )!!    :bike:

Why?  ...no good reason, other than I LOVE the whine of my friend's '98 VFR with gear driven cams  :D

Really, that's the only reason  :P  I'm quite sure the chain we have is totally sufficient in the 'performance' category  :thumbsup:



When I had a VFR and was on a VFR list, periodically we'd get a newbie on-board asking about that dreadful whining noise and what was necessary to make it go away. Some people would have fun with him ("Take the cams out, works every time!"), others would say, "It's not a whine, it's a whistle." Eventually someone would tell the newbie that they all do that and they're supposed to do it. That worked right up until the 2002 V-TEC version came out. That one doesn't have gear-driven cams, and a huge debate arose about why Honda would do such a thing.


I did have someone slightly mechanically-savvy but not moto-savvy ask me, in all seriousness, if mine had a supercharger on it. I was tempted, reeeaallly tempted... I didn't, though; I told him it was the cams. I think he was disappointed...

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^^^ funny.


Al, did you see the *steel* timing gear just up the way from Pete Roper's pictures? They can fracture as well. If they were in the bikes, then two of them would let loose and 35 people would get up in arms about the shoddy casting and how every Guzzi is a primed grenade. Arrr, where's my medicine?

But fundementally, I agree with you- I like's the gears in me Eldo. They don't whine so much as whir. It's much more endearing. :wub:

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