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Help With Oil Leak


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I have a 2002 Lemans with what appears to be a leak on the left side of the forks.

There is a small deposit of oil on the black plastic piece underneath the steering piston. It appears to be coming from the steering piston. Is this a life threatening problem? What exactly is the purpose of the piston? Could it be a fork leak in this location?


Thanks for any help/advice.



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Guest ratchethack

Greedy, it sounds like you're referring to the steering damper. It's the crossways-mounted adjustable device with the knob on the left-hand side of the bike. It allows adjustable hydraulic resistance that reduces the speed of right-left fork rotation at the steering head. It's purpose is to provide mechanical "insurance" against the potential (however remote under most circumstances) for cyclical fork oscillations that can, under certain conditions, set up in the fork. Once these oscillations get started, they can be violent and dangerous. For some, (myself included) dialing in some resistance with the damper also provides a more stable and "planted" feel to the front end at speed. A little oil weeping at the shaft is normal, just wipe it off occasionally. Oil from this is not related to the oil in the forks. :thumbsup:

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Greedy, it sounds like you're referring to the steering damper.  It's the crossways-mounted adjustable device with the knob on the left-hand side of the bike.  It allows adjustable hydraulic resistance that reduces the speed of right-left fork rotation at the steering head.  It's purpose is to provide mechanical "insurance" against the potential (however remote under most circumstances) for cyclical fork oscillations that can, under certain conditions, set up in the fork.  Once these oscillations get started, they can be violent and dangerous.  For some, (myself included) dialing in some resistance with the damper also provides a more stable and "planted" feel to the front end at speed.  A little oil weeping at the shaft is normal, just wipe it off occasionally.  Oil from this is not related to the oil in the forks. :thumbsup:



Thanks Ratchet,


I am a total noob to motorcycling. Is this oil refillable/checkable in anyway, or do you just replace the piston when there is a change is the "feel" of the steering? I haven't noticed any roughness in riding, but I am always looking for leaks of any kind before my warranty runs out in July and am wondering if I should have the part replaced or if its even under warranty.



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Guest ratchethack

Greedy, unless you can show your dealer that your damper doesn't damp, you're not gonna get any warranty action. Somebody correct me if I'm wrong, but to the best of my knowledge, the stock Bitubo steering dampers are not rebuildable. I would advise don't worry too much about it, just ride. :bike: There are a few "higher-quality" (read "higher priced") alternates that will fit, some of which I think are rebuildable, but I've yet to be convinced that any of 'em are any better or more cost-effective than the standard-issue Bitubo. But that's just me... -_-

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.... BTW, in case it wasn't clear, the black knob on the end of the "piston" of the steering damper can be turned to increase/decrease damping. Maximun damping will be quite obvious, as steering effort will be greatly increased.


You probably can get away with the damper set to its minimum, or close, as the 02+ V11s are generally quite stable.



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Guest Nogbad

My Bitubo doesn't leak but is bolloxed. You get immediate resistance going one way, but go back the other and there is a "dead" gap before resistance starts again. Left to right - always immediate resistance, right to left - nothing for 2-3 mm which translates to AN AWFUL LOT OF BAR MOVEMENT. If I had a tank slapper the effect would be to ratchet the bars to full left lock and have me off.


I need a new damper - any ideas?

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My Bitubo doesn't leak but is bolloxed. You get immediate resistance going one way, but go back the other and there is a "dead" gap before resistance starts again. Left to right - always immediate resistance, right to left - nothing for 2-3 mm which translates to AN AWFUL LOT OF BAR MOVEMENT. If I had a tank slapper the effect would be to ratchet the bars to full left lock and have me off.


I need a new damper - any ideas?



A series of rubber bands and cantilevers?



Sorry- it just popped into my head....


I don't have any great ideas for you...maybe call reboot spares? An older Sporti or Spot model might fit (and were better quality)

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.  Somebody correct me if I'm wrong, but to the best of my knowledge, the stock Bitubo steering dampers are not rebuildable. 


They are rebuildable in the terms of deasemble them and assemble them again.

Fill them with new oil ect.ect. I had my mechanicer who did this for me

At the other hand there are NOT any original Bitubo orings-gaskets on the market.So taken to this point one can say that they're not rebuildable.


So one has to find custom ones that they'll fit to the dimensions and reasemble the damper. But I think that is possible if search in a shop that sells these rubber (or alike)orings. I gave up though my Bitubo and have a WP damper on mine now.

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