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Shoot Out - Day Two - Pros and Cons


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That RC site is very cool. I just saw pictures and didn't see any articles on what they were doing. The bikes look beautiful.


What I like best about the RC is the solid, bullet-proof chassis. There is no way I would tinker with that. I don't care how much it weighs, I've never been on anything so solid.

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If I am reading Enzo right, he is seeking his ideal motorcycle.


Nothing wrong with that at all...Apart from the likelihood of ultimate disappointment. :unsure:


Nothing in this world is perfect and never will be...It is just a matter of acheiving an acceptable compromise.


We all go through fazes of dissatisfaction with things. I have had a great variety of motorcycles in my life, some excellent, some very bad, mostly average. Not one of them has stayed standard for long. I have had some frustration and a great deal of pleasure from modifying them to suit my tastes better.


I love singles, v-twins and triples the best. That is why I still have one of each in my garage.


I would urge you to keep hold of at least one of the Guzzis, Enzo. When I deserted the fold in the early nineties to 'do' the Harley-thing I knew in my heart I would return to Guzzi eventually....It took a little longer than I thought....but I did and I am very pleased I did.


Nige. B)

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... people's tastes and desires are always a moving target, and ever changing.


This is not unique to or conversely unknown with regard to one's tastes in motorcycles :huh2:


I value anyone's honest and respectful opinion, and I think Enzo's treatise on his observation with regard to either bike has value.... especially for that one reader who may be very interested in this specific comparitive topic.


I don't think Enzo is offering any disrespect to the V11, but even if he were, why should other owners care? It would be merely his opinion, one as valid as any other's. And after all .... when all is said and done, it is simply a machine. It's feelings aren't hurt, honestly, I promise :P



The V11 is indeed anachronistic in many respects, and cannot be(and shouldn't be expected to) compared head-to-head via performance specs with bikes like the RC-51.


But each bike, car, musical instrument, etc... does have its niche, and if that is the niche one is looking to fill, then those technical specs and 1/4 mile times don't matter much ;)



....and just as an aside, my old Yamaha FJ1200, while no Italian "beauty"... had a character of its own. That character was indeed of a different "flavor" than the Guzzi, but character none-the-less. But most of that character was from the memories and experiences... the miles.... I had built with the bike over the years.


And from that perspective, any bike can have character, and a close bond with its rider.



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After a couple of good months riding both these bikes, I feel very happy to come back and report that the Honda has given me a new appreciation for the Guzzi!!


Not that I love the Honda any less....oh no. I find that contrast gives one a better appreciation for what one has. I hate to say this on a nice family board, but it is very much like women. Of course, they don't want to hear this, but sometimes if you have a mistress, you develop a better appreciation for your wife!


The Guzzi is more visceral and exciting most of the time. It really makes me smile. It is such a show off too. It dives into corners and comes out like a bulldog. And then, on the Honda 'Krypto 51,' I've come to be able to use and appreciate it's infinite revving power when passing cars. Oh My God. You can pass a string of 4 cars or so with oncoming traffic. Once you see what it will do, anything is possible. Just amazing. I am always saying 'Wow' inside my helmet on the Krypto.


Bottom line. You need two bikes. It is like my left arm and right arm. Which to give up? I can't say that now. The Guzz is the perfect contrast bike to any Japanese bike, that's for sure. I've never owned a Beemer, but the Guzzi goes with everything.


I sure hope to God Piaggio takes them seriously and keeps the Lemans line.

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