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Calling all MGS Owners


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Sorry to abuse the V11 forum with non-V11 topic, but don't know where else to ask.


Think I posted earlier about the oil leaks from my MGS01 cylinder heads, but to refresh your memories - since I picked her up from new she had been weeping oil from both head gaskets. Took her to Twiggers and he got replacement gaskets fitted, but to no avail - the new gaskets still leaked. Mark took the heads and barrels to a local engineer who blued the faces and checked them on a machined flat plate - result - both cylinders and both heads are not perfectly flat, in fact both heads have cavities (albeit very small) almost up to the very edge of the facings.


Waiting now to hear what Guzzi have to say. Must confess to not really wanting replacements (even under warranty) as I've little faith that they would be any better. Mark said that they would probably only need the lightest of skims to achieve perfectly flat surfaces, and that's the solution I'd prefer.


Has any other MGS owner had similar experiences, or was I the only lucky bu**er to get a set of 'Friday' heads and cylinders? :ninja:


What really bugs me is that such a thing could happen on a brand new bike, and one which cost more than a brand new Agusta! :angry:


Before anyone suggests that I'm moaning, I'm not. I'm just frustrated to have the bike of my dreams sitting in a workshop when he should be contributing to the global warming problem. :huh2:


Picking up the Breva 1100 on Saturday - she's going out come rain or shine!!! Aim to have the first 600 done before Monday so that she can be serviced in time for a trip to Germany next month. :bier:



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Can't help you with that mate since I don't have this bike.

You can concider yourself lucky for having a bike like this but at the other hand I wouldn't want to be in a position like this.


My best support-wishes for overcoming this problem, seems that you're near that. :bier: It's not that bad and it will be fixed I believe so don't worry


Would also be doing some Italo -Germany and around :race: time, next month as well (concidering things go in the right flow they are).Can arrange to meet if the time is right and you're in a mood


At the moment I am nailed home with an injured finger (bad cut)and waiting to get out.(not allowed to drink either :bbblll: )



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permatex hylomar? It's soft/non-hardening and might fill up a porous cast. I've had tremendous luck with it, my only reservation being that I don't know if it can be used on a head gasket.


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Well as the manual states you have to replace the cilinders after 3000km. Pistons 1000km:-). That's how long they think it works without problems. Ghezzi told that the heads were machined outside the factory to get better buildquality.


Wow why would a bike would need replacemet in so often periods of time, I never heared of it (well except on some racing bikes concidering they're on track on constant basis)

Who did this head job ?(....LMAO...) I mean the work on the cylinders?

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Well as the manual states you have to replace the cilinders after 3000km. Pistons 1000km:-). That's how long they think it works without problems. Ghezzi told that the heads were machined outside the factory to get better buildquality.


Yes - came as a bit of a shock when I read that in the manual - guess they're covering their rump as the bike was intended to be track ridden and raced. Must say I'm seriously considering forgetting the warranty, and going to a standard service regime - especially as I don't intend to race him.


And if my cylinders and heads are an example of 'better build quality' I can only say that I'm glad I didn't get a set of 'poor build quality' !!! :huh:



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Would also be doing some Italo -Germany and around :race: time, next month as well (concidering things go in the right flow they are).Can arrange to meet if the time is right and you're in a mood


At the moment I am nailed home with an injured finger (bad cut)and waiting to get out.(not allowed to drink either :bbblll:  )




Cheers Alex - how many fingers do you need to be able to drink???!!!


Would like to meet up in Germany - email me off-forum to discuss further (robin.sharman # ntlworld.com)




////edited the post to make the emailadrress unreadable for spambots. Paul////

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permatex hylomar?  It's soft/non-hardening and might fill up a porous cast.  I've had tremendous luck with it, my only reservation being that I don't know if it can be used on a head gasket.



I had a porous head on a previous Cali - similar stuff worked very well, but the MGS problem isn't porous casting - the mating faces are like a relief map of the pyrenees rather than flat surfaces - like trying to stop water from running between two sheets of sandpaper!


Hmm... now there's an idea - could I make gaskets out of 500 grade sandpaper?



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Cheers Alex - how many fingers do you need to be able to drink???!!!




It has to do with the cut (no alcohol to heal faster) and the fact that after that small opperation I take some medicine as well....ooops I forgot time to get this pill... :wacko:

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Well as the manual states you have to replace the cilinders after 3000km. Pistons 1000km:-). That's how long they think it works without problems. Ghezzi told that the heads were machined outside the factory to get better buildquality.



Given the amount of miles you're going to get out of it, I'd just weld the heads onto the barrels.

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Given the amount of miles you're going to get out of it, I'd just weld the heads onto the barrels.


Hey - now that's worth more consideration - and put an hydraulic lifter on the swingarm to take a plough - the fastest tractor in town :grin:



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Plan A: Contact MGuk & ask them if they'll pay for the machine work to get you back on the road in minimum time. They should say "O.K." since it's widely known that the factory has no more 4v engines on hand to cannibalize for your spares.


Plan B: Get a sheet of soft copper about 2x thicker than the present head gasket. Cut out a new head gasket, & crank it down to the high end of the torque spec. Let it sit for a few days, & retorque. [Hint: you're looking to ooze the copper into the hills & valleys of your mating surfaces.] Let it sit some more. Retorque. Go ride it & see if that solved the leaking. Yes, you'll have some loss of c.r. & hence, power. Big whoop; at least you'll be out on the road while you're waiting to see what Guzzi is going to do about your situation...


Best o' luck, sorry to hear your MGS isn't all it should be! :doh:


Ride on!



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Plan A: Contact MGuk & ask them if they'll pay for the machine work to get you back on the road in minimum time. 


Plan B: Get a sheet of soft copper about 2x thicker than the present head gasket.


Best o' luck, sorry to hear your MGS isn't all it should be!  :doh:


Ride on!




Guzzi have agreed to replace the pistons, cylinders and cylinder heads under warranty. Intend to get the new ones checked for flatness before fitting them.


Like the idea of the sheet of copper in lieu of gaskets, and will bear it in mind if all else fails.


Thoughts on the warranty:


The MGS was built for the track, so the service schedule is very stringent - e.g. replace pistons every 1000 kms, replace the cylinders every 3000kms.


I won't be racing my MGS, but will be riding it on the road (fairly fast, but certainly not race riding!!!) and will track it at least once to see what it feels like.


Given the cost of following the warranty service schedule, I'm minded to apply a service schedule similar to the V11 Sport, and accept that the warranty will be voided and that any repairs/replacements will be down to me.


Do I regret buying a money pit? NO! One ride to a bike meet, and the interest that he causes is worth the expense. I've only got one life, and I intend to ride it out!!!

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. . . Picking up the Breva 1100 on Saturday - she's going out come rain or shine!!! Aim to have the first 600 done before Monday so that she can be serviced in time for a trip to Germany next month. 



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