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Moto Spezial Deep V Sump

Guest drknow

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Guest drknow

I've got a hankering for one of these, but am not sure where to pick one up and what a good deal would be. I understand I should take a deep breath, as it may be painful...


I've seen the Bub sumps for sale before, how well do they work in comparison, anyone know?



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From what I've read- stay away from BUB sumps. They have rubber hose inside the sump for high pressure oil routing and are prone to blowing said hoses. Might be a moot point, since BUB no longer makes them anymore nor would the old ones fit the V11.

There are few people here on the forum that own MS deep sumps. From what I understand, you lose the oil cooler, but with the deep sump it is unnecessary. MGCycle has them. You could call other good dealers also- MPH Cycles in Houston, TX for example. I do not have one (can't justify that kind of cash), so I will let others comment on their usefulness.

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$500.00 is allot of cash. My opinion only, but it looks to me your only gain would be having an external filter for your hard earned cash. The oiler cooler gives you additinal cooling surface and with the MS sump you loose the additional cooling surface of the cooler but get it back with the larger exposed surface of the sump, seems like a wash, then again maybe I'm missing something.


Seems like this would work for racing as the oil and filter are changed more ofton so you get the desired cooling and ease of filter changes.



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my :2c:


you will have a 4 L capacity instead of 3.5 better for engine with better cooling.

you could still have the oil radiator on a v11 you just need to buy a small special part which cost aournd 40 eur if my mind is ok.

could post the picture of this part if you want.


And yes much more easy service after.

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it's a lot lighther than stock, for a v11 you can do without oil cooler. Our member gthyni has done the conversion, and can tell you what is needed. look for his posts on it.









Well, the first picture is of my V sump on my V11 Sport. Yes it does work, it does make your bike lighter. The best avantage is that the bike does not starve for oil on hard turns and when braking. No worries about seeing the oil light when braking. $500 dollars is steep, but I think it is well worth it!



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Guest drknow

Ok, so I'll need two parts that don't come with the kit?


Something to keep the oil cooler, which I'd like to do, as I live in SoCal and sometimes sit in traffic, and a part for the sidestand.


Please post where I can find these parts. I hope the sidestand part isn't fab only, I don't need another project :luigi:



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The best for the v sump is to ask to Moto Spezial

For the parts to put the oil radiator i know Dynotec got them in stock and also got some v sump in stock.


For the side stand i have replace the original daytona/centauro/v11 system (all the same) by a first daytona (93-95) / 1100 sport carbs system.

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