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spring question


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Well, as the originator of this idea, I have to say I prefer stiff key action to the idea of my seat popping off if I hit a pothole too hard!  :D


Since the factory seems to have an aversion to getting their hands greasy and scrimps on the grease/oil/whathaveyou elsewhere, what makes you think that a quick shot of dry lube in the lock and cable lube on the seat-latch release cable & a dab of grease on the latch mechanism itself won't cure the "stiff key" problem you're experiencing & lead to seat & fast-idle co-operative bliss?




What can I say that other's have not already? YMMV; if you don't like it, switch it back. I, for one, cannot conceive of going back to needing both hands to move the fast idle lever, & having to hold it in position while the engine warms up...  :bbblll: [Oh yeah, & always warm up air-cooled engines before trying to blast off; they'll last longer if you do...]


Ride on! Funny you should mention it, thats exactly what I did this afternoon,I was going to replace the spring with a pen spring, but I tried the lube first and all is well! Im almost positive that seat cable was dry as a bone! :race:




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– and not just lube. Have guys with the awkward seat latch tried adjusting the mechanism?


With slight adjustment and normal application of lube I find that the seat latch works just fine. The fast idle lever also works. :huh2:


I can't believe that the factory fits seat lock springs to the handlebar controls and vice versa. :luigi::grin:


I'll bow to more knowledgeable :drink: comments, but I've always thought that it was better to move off as soon as possible after starting up, not let the bike sit at raised revs?

Do / didn't BMW, for example, fit devilish combinations of switches to side-stands etc so that the bikes couldn't be started and left to run/'warm-up' – they are/were meant to be started and ridden-off straight away? (I might have made that up, but lots of BM owners out there can keep me right on that.)

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Guest Nogbad

You should set off straight away. Better for the engine and better for the environment. Just ride gently till the engine is warm.

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