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Watch it Tex! I've got a special dispensation for that chicken!!!! :bbblll:




Pete, last Sunday I saw a WWII German Zündapp sidecar (Elefant) which had a rubber chicken tied to the back. I immediately thought of you. But no camera... :homer:

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By the way Pete. My plate has been with me for 12 years and 4 bikes. It is a non descript jumble of numbers and one letter. It spent 4 years on a dirt bike and is quite battered. Twice I have been threatened with fines or it being almost unreadable. I will replace it when they waive the 25 dollar fee for another plate. I'd rather pay the fine.


My guess is you would have a similar plate.



Ahhh! Different situation Jim. If I had such a plate, yes, I'd probably keep it too, but only if it didn't cost me money to transfer it from machine to machine.


Over here when you register a machine they give you a plate. if the registration lapses you're supposed to give the plate back to the RTA, (Govt. body.) If the machine is then re-registered at a later date it gets given another, completely different plate.


In The UK, unless things have changed, a vehicle gets issued a number when it is first registered and it keeps that number effectively for ever.


Look, if folks want personalized plates thats fine, it's no skin off my nose. I just think they're daft.



There is also the fact that having a personalised plate is like having a huge sign on your back saying "I'm a complete wanker!" :grin:





Sorry, but after reading this post, I immediately went to the DMV and got a personalized license plate that reads, "I'm a complete wanker". So now that plate is no longer available to anyone in California :bike:


I've had one personalized plate in my life.

On a Mercedes 240D, standard trans,

Great car, I had only one problem with it.

It was:




The state renewed it the next year.

After that the fee went from $25USD to $55USD.


The joke had worn off, so now it hangs on the wall.

They asked me to surender it. But it got "lost" (another $5)


I love it!

Common Pete, I bet you'd pay five dollars to have that on an old clunker.

Todd, did you ever think of changing MPH to THC? :rasta: Or is M.H. the owner?

And does anybody have Y2KV11S? Or W4NK3R?

There is also the fact that taking a Breva for a test ride is like having a huge sign on your back saying "I'm a complete wanker!" :grin:




Pete, my plate cost me $500. This is less than a set of new tyres, as much as I would have to fork out for a Stucchi crossover, a set of shiny mufflers would cost me nearly twice as much as my plate did. It is an accessory that I wanted for my bike, nothing more, nothing less.

No offence intended with the above editing, if we can't laugh at ourselves there must be something wrong...




In this over complicated world where the world assigns us needlessly complicated pin numbers, access entree codes, complex phone numbers we can't remember because we don't call ourselfs, etc. Why shouldn't we try and simplify our live's? Everytime I register at a hotel/motel it is a pain to march out and look at my license plate because I can't remember the damn thing.


Why can't we have more control over our datuum?


Now when it comes to paying money for a specific plate, there is a limit, but why not use the computers to allow individuals to select the plate number of their car or motorcycle in the first place and charge a resonably cheap fee for said services.



:!: If i had my way i wouldn,t have a number plate at all :drink: i only display cos big brother dictates!! :bier: spend yer money on go faster goodies or carbon bits or even better more beer !! :bier: cheers and ride safe ! :helmet:

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