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V11 sport fuel warning light

Guest Britcheflee

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Guest Britcheflee

Once the yellow fuel warning light starts to glow how many more miles do you think are left of fuel.....

I was quite suprised that although the tank on my ballabio looks huge I am only getting a little over 130 miles or so before the fuel warning light kicks in.



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I have an 04 lemans and the tank capacity is 5.5 gallons. I believe the MG spec is 1.5 gallons reserve. I don't know what year your ballabio is so yours might be slightly different (I bet it's the same 5.5 gallon tank). Anyway, this is how I calculate it. When the light first starts to show I think you have a little more than 1.5 gallons. The light comes on and goes off when you accelerate, slow down, go up or down hills. It's when the low fuel light stays on consistantly that I consider to have hit the reserve mark and have 1.5 gallons left. So, if you are getting 40 mpg then you can go 60 more miles before you run out. In your case, low fuel light comes on at 130 miles, you can go 190 miles before you are SOL. Adjust the miles based on your mpg. Here's my example. I just filled my bike tonight. I had gone 175.1 miles and it took 4.942 gallons to fill. So I got 35.41 mpg. I had approximately .5 gallons left, so I could have traveled another whopping 17.5 miles. A total of 192.6 miles.



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Guest redguzziv10

i recently got 165 miles from a full tank before i lost my cool and filled up.

And was at a constant 95mph on the motorway from start to finish.

that'll do for me :bike:

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Guest Britcheflee

Yeah, Not like you can carry a gas can along with you!!!

Thanks for the info - Ill keep a record of my milage and gas usage.




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My milage just keeps getting better.@ 14000mi on my 02 LeMans

I've seen 175mi before the light comes on. 93 octane mostly.

I end up running under 4000 rpm most of the time. It just seems to like that.

My only niggle now is starting. It usually takes 3 cranks @ half throttle. If I switch the

kill switch three or 4 times before I crank it , it might start in 2 cranks. This is only

for the first start of the day...after that it's fine.

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