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High level exhaust.

Martin Barrett

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In previous posts I’ve mentioned that one of my exhaust cans has a bit of a wobble and that this has been pointed out a couple of occasions on ride outs and we’ve subsequently tightened up the clamps to no avail.


Well today on the way home from work the bracket that attaches the silencer can to the pillion footrest hanger snapped across the mounting point to the hanger. It did this, or rather I think it did it as I braked at the end of the exit slip to come off the motorway. I limped around the roundabout into a lay-by.


The exhaust was swung out. I pulled it of the collector box and then pondered what to do.

I’m only a couple of miles from home across town. Do I:

Sling it in the bushes and ride home coming back for it in the car;

Stuff it down my jacket and ride home;

Ring the wife to bring the car;

Ring the recovery company or

Limp to the motorcycle workshop that I use and have him weld it up.

a- Some bugger might nick it

b- Too big and hot

c- Too many kids and don’t fancy the verbal abuse

d- Don’t want to wait for “45” minutes

e- A bit late in the day


Then I spy tied around the frame of the smashed Telephone Kiosk in the lay-by a handy piece of string. So utilising this I tie the silencer to my tank bag mounting clips and make my way home. Straight on to the phone to order another bracket.


GB Spares have one in stock, apparently they snap if you drop the bike. I wonder if it got weakened why I dropped the bike on the ferry to Ireland. £33 GBP and in the post tomorrow. Just hope they don’t send me the footrest hanger by mistake.



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I bet it was loud running on the downpipe only.


I must confess that when I was 21 I took my black silencers off my V65 Lario to respray them with the idea that I would fix 'em back on early in the morning before I went to work.


Anyway I overslept so rode the bike 8 miles and back to the army base where I worked with just downpipes- sounded like Armageddon was here- had no problems filtering through the traffic that day- the lanes split like the Red Sea in Moses' time.


I used to be a naughty boy.


Guy :helmet:

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How long is the piece of string? 





109 inches or 278cm if you prefer :)


Do I keep it or put it on Ebay?


I bet it was loud running on the downpipe only.




Wasn't to bad. I tried to keep it on a trailing throttle and less than 4000RPM only a short distance and only at one point did I come to a stop. Wasn't quite as loud as when the balance pipe fell off. :P


Any news, Martin?



Wasn't delivered today, but the way the chap said "be in the post tomorrow" I took as I will dispatch it tomorrow. As long as they remember it should turn up tomorrow. I've ordered stuff three(?) times now and once it seemed to have been overlooked and had to chase up but it tends to arrive the next day if ordered in the morning.

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109 inches or 278cm if you prefer  :)


Do I keep it or put it on Ebay?



Advertise in the classifieds - BFG will likely try to low ball you. Hold out for a good price, he has an affinity for such things. Ebay not recommended as with only one bidder (BFG) it won't go for much... :P



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If you can get to an engineering supplier, get some shim stock(like a big long feeler gauge) and wind it round your pipe before you insert it, should solve your clamping problems.



Thanks for this tip.


Postie arrived today with my package containing the footrest hanger :homer:


Rang them up. Identified the correct part. The only problem is that on the newer bikes it's not a seperate part :( comes as part of the silencer. However they have a damaged right can off a new bike which was swopped out on sale and they're going to ship me the bracket :thumbsup:


So looking for a happy ending tomorrow.

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Thanks for this tip.


Postie arrived today with my package containing the footrest hanger  :homer:


Rang them up. Identified the correct part. The only problem is that on the newer bikes it's not a seperate part  :(  comes as part of the silencer. However they have a damaged right can off a new bike which was swopped out on sale and they're going to ship me the bracket  :thumbsup:


So looking for a happy ending tomorrow.



I have 2 spare right hand silencers- if you get stuck give me a bell and I will lend you a bracket to keep you on the road if the dealer does not deliver.


Guy :helmet:

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Advertise in the classifieds - BFG will likely try to low ball you.  Hold out for a good price, he has an affinity for such things.  Ebay not recommended as with only one bidder (BFG) it won't go for much...  :P





109 inches was ok about 20 years ago. It isn't much use anymore.

But, if you price it accordingly....

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