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High level exhaust.

Martin Barrett

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What is a bob please Grandad?


right enough, the term 'bob' could confuse you chopper guys.


oh - Chopper Guy: good one



there were two and a half bob in a half-crown

and as far as I'm concerned, there still are


I measure the value of things by the fact that a sixpence (of real money), half a bob, would buy a bag of chips

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And get you into the pictures and your tram fare home and a penny caramel that you could sook for days cos thats when you got value for money not like today and kids running around on bloody sewing machines and youngsters had respect for their elders and we couldn't afford the bus you know we had to walk sixteen miles to work and it was a proper job too not like today and have you seen my teeth anywhere?

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right enough, the term 'bob' could confuse you chopper guys.




I measure the value of things by the fact that a sixpence (of real money), half a bob, would buy a bag of chips





Wot were the thruppenny bits called? Me minds gone :homer:


Nige. :huh:

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And get you into the pictures and your tram fare home and a penny caramel that you could sook for days cos thats when you got value for money not like today and kids running around on bloody sewing machines and youngsters had respect for their elders and we couldn't afford the bus you know we had to walk sixteen miles to work and it was a proper job too not like today and have you seen my teeth anywhere?


But you try telling the young people todayand they wont belive you!!



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  • 2 weeks later...

When I fitted the new bracket I tried to tighten up the whole system. But those troublesome balance pipe clamps where stuck, so today I gave them a good douse in WD40 (won't mention the over spray on to the front disc :doh: ) And was able to slacken them off and tighten them so it again is clamped tight. Will have to see how a couple of heat cycles and vibration effect it.


But I have found that the front Torx bolt for the foot plate on the non wobbly can had gone missing along with the fibre/rubber washer. I have Torx keys so was able to remove the whole plate.


Poking a stick down the holes gives the impression that they could be blind. But as the end of the stick came out with a brown rusty deposit it could be rubbing against an internal baffle. I might have to ride without my left boot on so I can cover and uncover the holes and play some sweet Guzzi tunes.

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I might have to ride without my left boot on so I can cover and uncover the holes and play some sweet Guzzi tunes.



Reminds me of an old limerick:


There once was a man named deGroot

who had seven warts on his root

He put acid on these

and now when he pees

he holds his @#$$#! like a flute


Note to Jaap! Pronunciation of deGroot is to be English way.

Note to everyone else! Pronunciation of @#$$#! is to be familiar form of Richard.

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What are todays kids going to tell their kids what they went without when they were growing up!



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No, it'll be a reverse thing. They will bemoan the things they had.... like STDs, massive debt, alimony payments, multiple step-parents... you know, all the best trappings of modern life.


Although....maybe not where you come from.... perhaps the future really ought to be Orange

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emm,, are you sure you know what you're doing Martin?



No, it's a voyage of discovery.

:luigi::o:doh::blush::pic::stupid::mg::nerd::thumbsup: and repeat


The knowledge you lack at the start you can make up for with enthusiasm.

The enthusiasm can be repaired with a credit card.

At the end of the month along with the credit card bill arrives knowledge.

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