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Bring out yer dead!


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Yes, I'm a geek, but this sorta fits...






Bring out your dead!


Bring out your dead!


Bring out your dead!


Bring out your dead!


Bring out your dead!

[cough cough...]


[...cough cough]

Bring out your dead!


Bring out your dead!


Bring out your dead! Ninepence.


Bring out your dead!


Bring out your dead!


Bring out...


...your dead!



Bring out your dead!


Here's one.




I'm not dead!




Nothing. Here's your ninepence.


I'm not dead!


'Ere. He says he's not dead!


Yes, he is.


I'm not!


He isn't?


Well, he will be soon. He's very ill.


I'm getting better!


No, you're not. You'll be stone dead in a moment.


Oh, I can't take him like that. It's against regulations.


I don't want to go on the cart!


Oh, don't be such a baby.


I can't take him.


I feel fine!


Well, do us a favour.


I can't.


Well, can you hang around a couple of minutes? He won't be long.


No, I've got to go to the Robinsons'. They've lost nine today.


Well, when's your next round?




I think I'll go for a walk.


You're not fooling anyone, you know. Look. Isn't there something you can do?

DEAD PERSON: [singing]

I feel happy. I feel happy.



Ah, thanks very much.


Not at all. See you on Thursday.


Right. All right.


[clop clop clop]

Who's that, then?


I dunno. Must be a king.




He hasn't got shit all over him.

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Guest ratchethack

Oh, not *another* SHRUBBERY!


Voice over: Meanwhile, King Arthur and Bedevere, not more than a swallow's flight away, had discovered something.


Knights of Ni: Ni! Ni! Ni! Ni! Ni! Ni!

Arthur: Who are you?

Knight of Ni: We are the Knights who say..... "Ni"!

Arthur: (horrified) No! Not the Knights who say "Ni"!

Knight of Ni: The same.

Other Knight of Ni: Who are we?

Knight of Ni: We are the keepers of the sacred words: Ni, Ping, and Nee-womm!

Other Knight of Ni: Nee-womm!

Arthur: (to Bedevere) Those who hear them seldom live to tell the tale!

Knight of Ni: The knights who say "Ni" demand..... a sacrifice!

Arthur: Knights of Ni, we are but simple travelers who seek the enchanter who

lives beyond these woods.

Knights of Ni: Ni! Ni! Ni! Ni! Ni! Ni! Ni! Ni! Ni!

Bedevere: No! Noooo! Aaaugh! No!

Knight of Ni: We shall say "Ni" to you... if you do not appease us.

Arthur: Well what is it you want?

Knight of Ni: We want.....


(pregnant pause)



(dramatic minor chord)

Arthur: A *WHAT*?

Knights of Ni: Ni! Ni!! Ni! Ni!

Arthur; No! No! Please, please, no more! We will find you a shrubbery.

Knight of Ni: You must return here with a shrubbery... or else you will never

pass through this wood... alive.

Arthur: O Knights of Ni, you are just and fair, and we will return with a


Knight of Ni: One that looks nice.

Arthur: Of course!

Knight of Ni: And not *too* expensive.

Arthur; Yes!

Knight of Ni: Noowwwww.... GO!




Arthur: O Knights of Ni. We have brought you your shrubbery. May we go now?

Knight of Ni: Yes, it is a good shrubbery. I like the laurels particularly.

But there is one small problem....

Arthur: What is that?

Knight of Ni: We are now *no longer* the Knights Who Say "Ni"!

Other Knights of Ni: Ni! Shh! Shh!

Knight of Ni: We are now the Knights who say "Ekky-ekky-ekky-ekky-z'Bang,

zoom-Boing, z'nourrrwringmm".

Other Knight of Ni: Ni!

Knight of Ni: Therefore, we must give you a test.

Arthur: What is this test, o Knights of.....

Knights who 'til recently said "Ni"?

Knight of Ni: Firstly, you must find....



(another minor chord)

Arthur: Oh not *another* shrubbery!!

Knight of Ni: (excitedly) THEN... Then, when you have found the shrubbery,

you must place it here, beside this shrubbery, only slightly

higher, so we get the two-level effect with a little path

running down the middle.

Other Knights of Ni: A path! A path! A path! Shh, shhh. Ni! Ni!

Knight of Ni: Then, when you have found the shrubbery, you must cut down the

mightiest tree in the forest...

Wiiiiiithh.... A HERRING!

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"it's a rabbit"


"it's got teeeeth"

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Guest AdamofKC

(King Arthur approaches the Black Knight after the Knight defeats an opponent)


King Arthur: You fight with the strength of many men, Sir Knight.


King Arthur: I am Arthur, King of the Britons.


King Arthur: I am seeking the bravest knights in the land to join me at my court at Camelot.


King Arthur: You proved yourself worthy. Will you join me?


King Arthur: You make me sad. Come Patsy!


Black Knight: NONE shall pass.

King Arthur: What?!


Black Knight: None shall pass.

King Arthur: I have no quarrel with you good Sir Knight, but I must cross this bridge!


Black Knight: Then you shall die.

King Arthur: As King of the Britons, I command you to stand aside!


Black Knight: I Move.... for no man.

King Arthur: SO BE IT!


(Fighting Ensues until Arthur cuts the Black Knights right arm off)


King Arthur: Stand aside worthy adversary.

Black Knight: 'Tis but a scratch.


King Arthur: A scratch? You're arms' off!

Black Knight: No it isn't.


King Arthur: Then whats that then?

Black Knight: ..... I've had worse.


King Arthur: You LIAR!

Black Knight: C'mon you pansy!


(Fighting continues until King Arthur cuts the Black Knights other arm off)


King Arthur: Victory is mine! (kneels) We thank thee Lord that in thy Mercy...

(Black Knights kicks Arthur in the head)


King Arthur: What!?

Black Knight: Chicken! Chicken!

King Arthur: You are indeed brave Sir Knight but the fight is mine!


Black Knight: Oohh? Had enough eh? (Kicks Arthur's butt a few times)

King Aurthur: Look you stupid bastard, you've got no arms left!


Black Knight: Yes I have!

King Arthur: LOOK!!


Black Knight: (looks at both arms quickly) It's just a flesh wound. (continues to kick Arthur's butt)

King Arthur: Look I'll have your leg!


Black Knight: Chicken! Chicken! (kicks Arthur again)

King Arthur: RIGHT!!!!


(King Arthur cuts the Black Knights left leg off)


Black Knight: RIGHT! I'll do you for that!

King Arthur: YOU'LL WHAT?!


Black Knight: Com'ere!

King Arthur: What're you going to do? Bleed on me?


Black Knight: I am invincible!

King Arthur: You're a looney!

Black Knight: The Black Knights always Triumph! Have at you!!!


(Black Knight, hobbling on one foot, tries to head-butt Arthur)


Black Knight: Have at you!!! Come on then!


(Arthur swipes at the Black Knight at waist hight)

(Arthur sheathes his sword and approaches the Black Knights torso)


King Arthur: All Right, we'll call it a draw. Come Patsy!

Black Knight: Ohh I see.... Runnin' away, eh?! Come back you yellow bastard and take whats coming to ya! I'll bite you're legs off!!!


(End Scene)



Ahhhhh classic Monty Python.

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Beware of the Holy Hand Grenade of Antioch, the number of the counting shall be three, not one or two except in passing to reach three, and four is right out! :P


I also am not dead yet, but growing old disgracefully :bier:


Cheers Gary :helmet:

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Mr. Praline: 'E's not pinin'! 'E's passed on! This parrot is no more! He has ceased to be! 'E's expired and gone to meet 'is maker! 'E's a stiff! Bereft of life, 'e

rests in peace! If you hadn't nailed 'im to the perch 'e'd be pushing up the daisies! 'Is metabolic processes are now 'istory! 'E's off the twig! 'E's kicked the

bucket, 'e's shuffled off 'is mortal coil, run down the curtain and joined the bleedin' choir invisibile!! THIS IS AN EX-PARROT!!




Owner: Well, I'd better replace it, then. (he takes a quick peek behind the counter) Sorry squire, I've had a look 'round the back of the shop, and uh,

we're right out of parrots.


Mr. Praline: I see. I see, I get the picture.


Owner: I got a slug.




Mr. Praline: Pray, does it talk?


Owner: Nnnnot really.




Owner: N-no, I guess not. (gets ashamed, looks at his feet)


Mr. Praline: Well.




Owner: (quietly) D'you.... d'you want to come back to my place?


Mr. Praline: (looks around) Yeah, all right, sure.





And don't forget,

the palindrome of Bolton would be Notlob.

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Moving to 24/7 V11 so that it not gets lost...



Here we go. I knew this was the start of The Great Purge.


Soon, it will be,

"OK Nogbad, we've just moved you to 24/7... so that you don't get lost. You'll like it there."


Next thing, he'll be pruned!


So Nogbad deserves it, ok, but BEWARE: we'll all go the same way!


We're doomed! Doomed I tell you!

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