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"I learned about riding from that. . ."


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In "Flying" magazine, there is a monthly article entitled "I learned about flying from that" . . . each month a reader's personal experience with an in flight emergency is discussed and what he did or should have done to get out of it.


I asked Jaap if he would consider starting a new sub-forum, especially for discussion and archiving of topics and threads related to riding safety, techniques, and personal experiences of the V11 riders on here. He thought it might be a good idea, but asked me to start this thread to check interest. He didn't want to clog up the forum with another sub-forum if there was not a strong demand from the "unwashed masses." So if you would like to see a specific sub-forum along these lines, let Jaap know by responding to this thread with either a "YES" or "NO"



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yes - a new forum on riding tips/safety is most welcome. I learn new staff all the time - most trivial - but it is good to share.


here's one: if you need to have access to a ticket or peice of paper for a few moments - say you have to surrender your ticket as you board a ferryboat, just tuck it under the fuel filler lip for ez access



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Always face the front.


Open face helmet-don't yawn in summertime.


Kickstarting-no matter how well tuned the machine, it will not start until you have removed almost all of your clothing and are reduced to a sweaty puddle.Blip as you may,it will cut out just as you pull back on the last of your gear and refuse to restart until you disrobe once more.


You're most likely to get a puncture 1 mile PAST the last place you could get it fixed.


The spanner you took out your pocket and left on the bench cos you haven't used it in ten years is the one you're going to need 15 miles from here.


Paraffin nicked from roadmenders marker lamps can get you to the next petrol station.


No matter how good an idea it seems,dont wear your jacket backwards to keep out the rain.Explanations are useless.


Machinery can have a sense of humour.


Just when you think you have things figured out, grab a tape measure. You're about to discover how deep the abyss of stupidity really is.


Remember these days,in the future,these are as good as it got.

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:helmet: While riding on clear rode after after passing some traffic, picked up pace conditions seemingly good road ahead free,into a right hander at 110 k to a incline, noticed man standing on side of road up ahead about 35 metres away,just as mind was processing the thought. why would would this bloke be standing there with his m/cycle,strange place to pull over.then why am i sliding up the road face down watching my bike sliding up to impact into his..well he'd come down leaving a trail of oil from crankcase which brought me down. we were both 300k into a trip from homes 250k apart, and both had converged into a well known m/cycle route to add pleasure to our ride and avoid motorway. my bike 2500 k old. his a very nicely restored 74 900 ss ducati. [when you ride motorcycles, you can expect anything to happen] and probably will,you can take every precaution under the sun. but shit still happens. :homer:
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Had a moment a couple of years ago, on a nice quiet sunday afternoon. I got stuck behind another car on a normal B-road and decided to overtake him , which I started to do. I suddenly found myself between the car I overtook and another car with a trailer attached to it, which came very fast from behind and overtook also. Seconds before I had checked my mirrors and they were clear. Very distressing. My leg was perhaps 1 inch away from being hooked by the mirrors of the other car. I changed down and floored it, had I braked I would have ended up under the trailer...what I learned? check mirrors AND B-spots, constantly! Always!

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Jim, you possible have a concurrent or a mate with felix42o.

Ask Him if he does wheelie too?



Hey it may have been dumb, but those expansion joints are killer! Besides, in my own defense, I didn't follow through. I just started to. :blush:

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While leaving work at the hospital one afternoon I arrived at my Triumph cafe racer to find a smokin hot nurse checking it out. I puffed up my chest and sauntered over and we started talking about the bike. She REALLY liked it :P:

I REALLY liked her :P: . So after agreeing to take her for a ride the following afternoon I hopped on, kicked her over, revvered her up, popped the clutch, and then it all went very very bad...


I had completely forgotten about the disk lock on the front rotor... :doh:


Luckily she was a nurse. Luckily I was already at the hospital. Unluckily, she lost all interest in ever getting on a bike with me...



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Jim, you possible have a concurrent or a mate with felix42o.

Ask Him if he does wheelie too?



OK. Felix42o! Do you wheelie?


Felix42o probably knows that helicopter pilots have their own version of "I learned about flying from that"!! The helicopter pilot version starts with the less experienced pilot starting a story with "No s%@t, there I was......" and the more experienced pilot casually replies with "That's f%@&%g nuthin! I remember when....".

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OK. Felix42o! Do you wheelie?


Felix42o probably knows that helicopter pilots have their own version of "I learned about flying from that"!! The helicopter pilot version starts with the less experienced pilot starting a story with "No s%@t, there I was......" and the more experienced pilot casually replies with "That's f%@&%g nuthin! I remember when....".




. . . not to mention the "fixed wing" pilot has to talk with his hands! :grin:

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