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It affects # KT 111435 through KS 112350

So, nothing before # KT 111435

and nothing after # KS 112350

EDIT wait a second!!! KS comes before KT, so I really don't know.

EDIT2 I am really confused!!! Baldini posted THIS.

in this  thread....


indicates that it is before those numbers  :huh2:

So, every KT after 111435 and every KS after 112350 is probably safe, and all the others are probably at risk, but are NOT definitively affected.

EDIT 3 Rick, thanks for pointing out the word "before" refering to the numbers  :bier:


Holy cow! now im really confused, ( I get confused easily,HeHe) anyway my 2002 naked is vin number ZGUKRAKR53M114960 or KR114960 so is my bike ok? or do I need to get into the gearbox to check the spring/boss diameter? :homer:

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Holy cow! now im really confused, ( I get confused easily,HeHe) anyway my 2002 naked is vin number ZGUKRAKR53M114960 or KR114960 so is my bike ok? or do I need to get into the gearbox to check the spring/boss diameter? :homer:


I don't know! I am confused too.

I thought I understood the numbering system until now.


Perhaps this tidbit from Todd Haven helps:

"All U.S. V11 Sport/Le Mans models through 2002 have vin # beginning ZGUKRAKR,

the 9th digit has no discernible meaning.

10th digit is year model(not prdouction date) x=1999, y=2000,1=2001, 2=2002

11th digit is M for all Guzzis(designates Mandello factory)

12th-17th digits are "serial number" for the particular bike."


So I guess the KS and KT series came after 2002.

not much help...

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