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Why So Slow?

Dr Gil

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A quick bit of history...I crashed my Le Mans back in August. The insurance company totaled the bike and I'm now in the process of rebuilding. The damage was mostly cosmetic and on only one side (left). :luigi:


So, being new to Guzzi's I figured this was a swell opportunity for me to explore some of the different sources available to me for parts. I ordered my needed parts, totaling well over $1000, from various sources. Sharing the wealth and giving me an opportunity to make some decisions about who I would order from in the future (I plan to own this bike for a VERY long time).


So, while most parts were not on the shelves of the various Guzzi parts dealers they acted as middlepersons and ordered from their sources. I received about 1/2 of my orders from each source in about the same amount of time (a few weeks). Now I am on hold...from ALL my suppliers! :( It has been literally MONTHS and still no parts. I don't understand why. I could order directly from the motherland (Italy) faster than this. One reputable supplier (not to single out anyone but their name rhymes with Moto International) refuses to talk to me any more...vague answers with unkept promises to return calls on the phone and will NOT answer emails. :angry:


So, what's the deal? I know many of you have probably been down this route before. I was forewarned when I started this project that it could take up to 6 months for parts but I dismissed that as ridiculous...now I'm not so sure and I certainly don't understand why. I mean after all, one of the parts I can't get is a simple clutch lever :rolleyes: How can that be so difficult?


I'd love to be enlightened on how this network of Guzzi parts works. Anyone?

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I will speak in generalities only.

The parts situation at MGNA has gone from poor to

pitiful in the last year.

-Large turnover in Atlanta among the parts dept.

-Switch to a warehousing service, after moving inventory from

N.C. to Ga.

-close for a 6 business day inventory in late October.

-return to shipping orders for 1 week, and then another 2 week closure to

convert to a new system. That's where we are today. Another week before anything

can even be ordered.

The current on-line parts availabillity/inquiry system is a bad joke.

It is hopelessly inaccurate, rendering it useless.

Even parts prices are not accurate.




We have been promised on-line ordering, and real-time parts availability info, for 4 years now. Still no movement in this area.

Aprillia screwed the pooch, to point that the dog can barely walk.

Parts in transit from Italy enter a foggy limbo, with no ETA, no quantity information.

(Does MGNA have 1 or 20 coming to the country, e.g.)



Piaggio is revamping top to bottom, and I hold real hope for the immediate future.


They performed a similar update to the warranty system , and were up and running

this am.

Faster, better, stronger operation.


As pissed as I am, I remain optimistic for the future.


Not much solace for someone awaiting routine parts which should be readily avaliable.


Rant mode off.

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Let's see. MG handles all of its parts orders manually through two little old ladies if I'm to believe what I read somewhere. Could be. Then there's the two weeks off in what - August? Add to that MGNA's inability to do anything right, a move from one city to another where a large percentage of parts "disappeared", then shut off parts ordering for a couple of weeks for re-organization in October, then a couple of more weeks with the spigot turned off in November for inventory (presumably because of the missing parts). And you expect parts? If you really, really need something, you pretty much have to order from somewhere in Europe. On the USA side you can't really expect anything at all. We have high hopes that Piaggio can turn things around. A wholesale release of MGNA personnel into the job market will probably be the first (and right) step.

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I feel your pain Dr. Gill.

With regard to the dealer that kind of sounds like Goto Mr. National, I will tell you that they are a great bunch of guys. The problem is, that's all they are. Avoiding their phone order system is not advice, it's a warning! Add to the situation the fact that they have to get alot of their stuff from MGNA, golly, it a wonder you get anything. I ordered a dip stick there, it took over a yr, and it was totally wrong. A dipstick!!!!!!!

Not sure if you can cancel the parts still on order, but if you can, I have advice for you. That advice is ........... Agostini............... This is the place, just down the road from the factory in Mandello. The best! And you can avoid that joke called MGNA.

Ciao, Steve G.

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One reputable supplier (not to single out anyone but their name rhymes with Moto International) refuses to talk to me any more...vague answers with unkept promises to return calls on the phone and will NOT answer emails.  :angry:



Here's the magic Guzzi parts formula:


Order Time = (The Italian concept of time) * (US Southerner's um, Southernness + NASCAR Schedule) * (Anything computer related) * (How badly you need the parts)^2


Seriously though, my :2c: and completely uneducated guess about your situation with the reputable Seattle dealer who's initials are rumored to be M.I.:


They're probably just as frustrated as you are. I'm sure that this is costing them in lost parts sales and service revenues.


As said before, we're all drinking from the same (tainted) parts well, M.I. included. I'm also waiting for a part ordered "priority" :not: from MGNA via M.I. and its been two months. After not hearing anything for a long while, I thought they forgot so I stopped by to see if the part was in. Nope. The warehouse is "closed for inventory", they're not hearing much from MGNA, computer upgrades (at this point the parts guys eyes are rolled so far back in his head he can see his cereberal cortex).


IIRC, they still had a note on my account to call me when it gets in. With the top-notch service I've had from them after my little incident, I trust that they will.


Why are they not responding? From all of us pestering them about our parts, my three (long, painful, humiliating) years of customer service experience tells me that the parts guys are huddled in a dark corner of the shop, curled up in the fetal position, gently rocking themselves and quietly muttering "are my parts in yet? are my parts in yet? are my parts in yet? are my parts in yet? are my parts in yet? are my parts in yet? are my parts in yet? are my parts in yet? " :P:



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some parts can be found on the internet,ie. ebay, at Ducati dealers, at Buell dealers, and at KTM dealers.

But those who know, swear by agostini.

The internet Guzzi dealers, TLM, MotoInternationl, MPG, MGCycle, and Harpers all have reputations for having more in stock than most local dealers.

I am sure if Todd had money to burn, he'd buy a big warehouse and stock more parts than MGNA, but there is not much potential for profit from such an endeavor.

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I feel your pain Dr. Gill.

With regard to the dealer that kind of sounds like Goto Mr. National, I will tell you that they are a great bunch of guys. The problem is, that's all they are. Avoiding their phone order system is not advice, it's a warning! Add to the situation the fact that they have to get alot of their stuff from MGNA, golly, it a wonder you get anything. I ordered a dip stick there, it took over a yr, and it was totally wrong. A dipstick!!!!!!!

Not sure if you can cancel the parts still on order, but if you can, I have advice for you. That advice is ........... Agostini............... This is the place, just down the road from the factory in Mandello. The best! And you can avoid that joke called MGNA.

                                                                        Ciao, Steve G.


Hey Steve, how do we go about ordering parts from Agostini? Do yhey have a website we can use? Or do we have to call them in Italy by phone?

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Guest redguzziv10



the guys there all speak near perfect English.

Goods usually come to UK within 4-5 days

good luck

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I just downloaded their catalogue. It doubles up as an excellent Italian Language Course, everything is translated next to the italian phrase. The ordering information is straightforward. And who can resist the history of this shop...

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Hi Gil,


Sorry to hear about all your troubles regarding spareparts. Speaking of trustwothy suppliers I can only echo what has been said about Duilo Agostini: They are very reliable, know Guzzis inside out and they have loads of spareparts. I ordered my Mistral cans, x-over, K&N filter and a paddock stand from them and it took no longer than 4 days. On top of that they gave me a tracking number so I could follow my goods. Highly recommendable! :bier:


At the Nordic Guzzi Meeting here in Denmark Alis (that's Alis, not Alice) Agostini was rewarded Honourable Member of DK Moto Guzzi Club, which just shows how much the Agostinis are appreciated here in Europe.


That aside Gil, I have sent you the windscreen as promised. It should be in California late this week (hopefully).


Good luck and try the Agostinis, you won't be disappointed.





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If you need crash parts, ebay is a good source, A complete le mans fairing was there this week. Further I know a german guy who took a balabio in parts , he might have all you need.


That happens a lot here, bikes are taken apart and sold in parts on ebay. RSV Aprilias are a victim often, because of parts prices from aprilia. Why don't you do that in the USA??


If I see some very low new prices from overstock in the USA, Why doesn't someone take a few of those bikes and sell in pieces? There seems to be a demand.


I just remember there is a le mans sold in parts from a mgnoc guy, look at ebay.


this is one of his items, mail him?


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