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Why So Slow?

Dr Gil

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Ive been waiting since august 05 for a pair of rubber intake boots that are a warranty item, still nothing. Rick




You've got a ways to go Rick.  I've been waiting 3 years for my warranty replacement side covers.






Man, that's awful! :(


So the problem here is that these are warranty items that you're waiting for and for those that they must come from the factory?


Surely if these were "must-have-now" parts that they would be available from some of the parts people previously listed (I understand that you would then be out of pocket for the cost). :huh2: Still, it's a downer.

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:2c: you fellows definately got a problem with parts. yet still you own them...gotta be something there. :mg:


Yep, theres "something there" once bitten by the :mg: bug, you are hooked, they can abuse you, treat you like a little beatch,kick you to the curb,slap you silly, treat you like a red headed stepchild,and we still will take it as long as we can get our daily fix of that wonderful , torquey, sweet sounding piece of italian art. I admit it , Im a sucker for punishment! :grin::bike:

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That's pathetic!!! :o To take that long....the parts must not exist? IMO, it all boils down to someone in the supply chain not giving a rats-ass about doing the right thing. I mean, all one has to do is pick up the phone (this you have to wonder about...whether your savy parts guy at your dealer makes a call or sends an e-mail...or even knows the right individual at all) and talk to the man that (that hopefully will answer...maybe they don't have phones, but recieve mail on the back of a Mule?) picks the part out of a bin over at Guzzi, he puts it in a shipping box, slaps a label on it and sends it out on the back of that Mule....then once Mr. Mule reaches the ocean he straps it on the back of a Whale or some other type of large fish..... What century is this anyway? I can order a set of Sebring pipes from Austria and I got them UPS'd in 3 days........and I don't speak Austrian! No excuse for living with this antiquated system.........is there a system?? :huh2::grin:

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At MI, we got a shipment of parts this week from Guzzi—the first since OCTOBER. Yes, they have been closed for over two months. It sucks, truly, for us in the biz almost as badly as it sucks for the customers. I will look to see if I have any of those rubbers in stock. I may be able to "borrow" them to you until your warranty parts arrive.



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