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Sometimes I latch onto something like a rabid pit bull & won't let go.


Having just gone through the angle drive / speed cable replacement cycle & the inherent nonsense involved, I started looking for alternatives if the speedometer continues it's rather erratic behavior or just plain shits itself. Palo Alto charges $175 just to crack open a Veglia these days, the sky's the limit after that. Although I think it's really neat that the trip odometer measures in kilometers & the odometer in miles (or is it the other way around?), I could really do without.


On Oct 31, Skeeve threw out the idea of using an inductive sensor to replace the cable, maybe even the angle drive too. Searching around, I found that there are a number of vendors that offer magnetic / inductive sensors like this one for VW's:




(Some priced lower, this had a good photo to work with)


So what disasters await if one were to fit this into the angle drive & feed the electrical signal to an electronic speedometer (VDO, S-W, etc., you pick)? Seems like the initial calibration for electronic speedometers is based on user input when starting a measured mile (hit the calibrate button, when complete, hit the button again).


I keep telling myself it's too simple, too uncomplicated, there must be a catch. :huh2:


Ok, your turn, shoot this idea full of holes. But not the messenger. Please.



Atlanta GA

'02 Le Mans


Hi Phil,


I haven't tried the gizmo myself but I like the idea. The new Ducatis 749 and 999 models have all binned the traditional wiring system and run everything via LAN.


Heck, we live in the 21st century so why shouldn't it work on a Guzzi? Worth a try I would say so if you can afford it go for it.


Just my 2 rubles...



Guest ratchethack
  tikkanen said:
Heck, we live in the 21st century so why shouldn't it work on a Guzzi?


  P3GA said:
Sometimes I latch onto something like a rabid pit bull & won't let go.


Having just gone through the angle drive / speed cable replacement cycle & the inherent nonsense involved, I started looking for alternatives...


On Oct 31, Skeeve threw out the idea of using an inductive sensor to replace the cable, maybe even the angle drive too. Searching around, I found that there are a number of vendors that offer magnetic / inductive sensors like this one for VW's:






Aw, shucks! I feel like such a troublemaker now! [rubs toe in dirt]


Thanks for picking up on that idea & running with it! I had no idea that there was something like this already available out there; I purely thought of it as a project for some frustrated EE-type person...




I did this,I bought a VDO electronic programmable 160 mph speedo with a pulse generator from Jegs.I used a scrap speedo to construct an adapter to run a tach cable[shorter] from the trans speedo output to the pulse generator under the tank.Once it was set it was dead accurate.There are three setting modes: pulse numbers,Known distance or adjusting on the fly with radar gun.It fit in the original speedo cup with some homemade "T" bolts holding it down.The reason I quit using it was it is not water resistant even though I sealed up the bezel and would keep condensing inside.I has two lighting bulbs and running the highest wattage bulbs I could find helped as well as covering it when it rained.Now if the thing is water resistant it would work,and Autometer has a water resistant one but the last time I looked at their selection they did not mention a pulse generator to go with it so I havn't persued finding a triggering device. John

  John A said:
I did this,I bought a VDO electronic programmable 160 mph speedo with a pulse generator from Jegs........  John



Thanks John, looks like we're on to something.


Does anyone know / or can someone measure the female end of their angle drive to determine the diameter of the coupler & pitch of the threads?


I was prepared to make some calls today to ferret out additional information, but left some notes at home. I think it's 16mm, but not absolutely certain.




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