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Ahh... Xmas is here!


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Ahh, Christmas :xmas: and all the joy it brings!! (see previous posts) sigh!! <_>

From the Tenni :wub: side of the street, l simply wish all the V11 :mg: riders and fans out there all the very best over the holiday season, :bier: ,enjoy :drink: ,be :rasta: merry,and for all of us stuck in the Northern hemisphere, today is the shortest day of the year which means that the :sun: is now going to start inching back towards Spring/Summer and the riding season :race: !!!!

All the very best




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Guest Britcheflee

I find it amusing that on one side of the pond the sight of some boobs on the 'telly' is no big deal but there is an uproar if graphic pictures of death or violence are shown but on the other side it is quite ok to see someone on the 6 o/c news gunned down or graphic details of an accident or other violence but the boobs are all blurred out....it was particularly strange the other night on TV where they were showing a breast enhancement operation that they blurred out the nipple even though it was not attached to the breast!!!!!!!!!

I would rather my kids see a boob than a graphic death.



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Yes, a merry consumerfest to all.






Unexpected extra pleasure:


It was the time of my first Bike, a 1977 Honda CB360T, Few weeks after I got it, I felt secure and safe enough to have my girlfriend riding with me :sun: ...

I was able to feel the soft pressure or her breasts on my back ... :grin: !!!


Happy Happy Holidays :mg:




Milk indeed,


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