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I had one, but I traded it for Mistrals because I wanted more top end.

The newer vesions appear to have more top end then the one I bought, if you pull the Cat out of the bag.

But we are still waiting for some of owners of the newest Quat-D exBox to post some dyno charts.

I regret having traded it, as it has benefits that dynocharts don't show, like more torque at 2000 to 3000rpm as well as more midrange, and just a more exhilarating experience in general.

Since I sold it, there are solutions for mapping the cylinders seperately, that I am sure could enhance the power and driveability.

And others like Jedione have some other bright ideas, like opening the cans and deresticting it.

Guest slowpoke

I have presumably the Quat-D that Dlaing sold. All I can tell you is as far as looks go the Quat-D has undeniably good looks. It makes the bike less cumbersome looking and makes it more "racy". As far as the performance goes if you want a loud exhaust go with the newest Quat-D which has the ability to open up and take out the catalyzer and tweak somewhat. Because I have not ridden a dual pipe V11 I can not make a comparison. However with the Quat-D the midrange is very good something that Dlaing alluded to and does not show up in the charts. Maybe I'm hallucinating but on deceleration the Quat-D sounds excellent just not that loud but if you leave for work very early in the morning or arrive home very late at night your neighbors will thank you for not disturbing their sleep. The only thing is you can't show off engine noise in front of the Harley crowd. It simply is no way as loud as open pipes.

Guest jedione68
  Anthony said:
I like the look of it.  :P:  Does anyone have it on their MG?



If your looking for a great look and "Being the Rider" experence,

go with the Quat. You'll love the ride and how you get to hear and

feel your bike more then those watching you go down the road. And you

can make theme louder with some simple creative mods.


Mine sounds mellow at low RPM's and then Boom's like a NASH Car

on the gas. I love it.


If your looking for more ponies (BHP) top end, at this moment before

my next R&D research Quat BHP, go with twin cans.


I have my old carbon Mistarls on right now while we're making the the Quat

flow better. And they do serve alot more top end BHP then the BOX.

And they are little louder at idle, and have that more familial V-Twin sound,

but my Quat-D much deeper and louder on the fly.


Hopefully with in the next month or less I'll have found the missing top

end BHP and will be able to share with one and all how and what.


As a last note. lets say the cans have 12 to 15 more BHP, and I recover

50 to 75% of those 12 to 15, I'll be a Quat man for life. Or at least on

v11's that is. I just love the ride you get with the Quat and all that right off

idle TORQUE, love it the most in the twisties.


Good times to come, rubber side down, and peace,




Thanks for the information, the pictures (very nice looking setups), and the sound file (sweet!).


Now, if only I can get reusable shims to solve my front cross-over problem, I'll be able to swap-out my Ferracci slip-ons and X-pipe for the Quat-D anytime and use the PCIII maps to manage the hardware change over. :D


If Jedione68 finds the missing BHP, then :thumbsup:

Guest slowpoke

Jedione I have the single exhaust outlet Quat-D is there a dual outlet Quat-D? The picture of your bike has the outlet on the right side of the bike and mine has it on the left side. Or is your picture reversed? I will be very interested to know of any mods you do to the Quat-D because it looks right on the bike; now if we can get it perform as well as it looks that will be the secret.

  slowpoke said:
Jedione I have the single exhaust outlet Quat-D is there a dual outlet Quat-D? The picture of your bike has the outlet on the right side of the bike and mine has it on the left side. Or is your picture reversed? I will be very interested to know of any mods you do to the Quat-D because it looks right on the bike; now if we can get it perform as well as it looks that will be the secret.


I'll go ahead and speak up for Jedi. He had a welder do some magic and made a 2nd port, sounds great....though he's still having a lack of power mid-high rpms. I know's he's been in email contact with GB and Quat lately and trying to come up with new internal design.

Guest jedione68
  gh67 said:
I'll go ahead and speak up for Jedi.  He had a welder do some magic and made a 2nd port, sounds great....though he's still having a lack of power mid-high rpms.  I know's he's been in email contact with GB and Quat lately and trying to come up with new internal design.



Thats my boy!

And I couldn't have said it better myself.


gh67, racer x, and myself are hoping to get those missing BHP.

Cause we know the're there, we just got to release them.

Right now we're comparing my slightly modified Quat-D to my

G.B. Racer "Box" exhaust.

Cross your fingers and pray to the BHP gods.


And best of all, we'll all finally know "Whats In there?"


Good times, Best of Luck, Happy Holidays, and a Happy New Year to all

and to all a Guzzi-night.


Over and out.


  jedione68 said:

If your looking for a great look and "Being the Rider" experence,

go with the Quat.  You'll love the ride and how you get to hear and

feel your bike more then those watching you go down the road.  And you

can make theme louder with some simple creative mods. 


Mine sounds mellow at low RPM's and then Boom's like a NASH Car

on the gas.  I love it.


If your looking for more ponies (BHP) top end, at this moment before

my next R&D research Quat BHP, go with twin cans.


I have my old carbon Mistarls on right now while we're making the the Quat

flow better.  And they do serve alot more top end BHP then the BOX.

And they are little louder at idle, and have that more familial V-Twin sound,

but my Quat-D much deeper and louder on the fly.


Hopefully with in the next month or less I'll have found the missing top

end BHP and will be able to share with one and all how and what.


As a last note. lets say the cans have 12 to 15 more BHP, and I recover

50 to 75% of those 12 to 15, I'll be a Quat man for life.  Or at least on

v11's that is.  I just love the ride you get with the Quat and all that right off

idle TORQUE, love it the most in the twisties.


Good times to come, rubber side down, and peace,




That silver/red v11 is MOST attractive!

Guest Rich Fernandez

Anthony, I just have ridden my Scura for the first time since having several things done including changing out the stock exhaust for Quat-ds. I couldn't be more pleased with the ride. I also had the fuel pump moved which entailed modifications to the air box. The bike sounds and rides much differently, much better. I also plan on now fitting hard bags to the bike. A task made much simpler with the new exhaust.

  Rich Fernandez said:
Anthony,  I just have ridden my Scura for the first time since having several things done including changing out the stock exhaust for Quat-ds. I couldn't be more pleased with the ride. I also had the fuel pump moved which entailed modifications to the air box. The bike sounds and rides much differently, much better.  I also plan on now fitting hard bags to the bike. A task made much simpler with the new exhaust.


Rich, I am off the fence and I am going to buy the Quat-D. There's no appearent downside to the purchase. Thanks for your response.

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