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moving to OZ

Guest jasper

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Guest jasper

I am just coming back from a nice holiday to OZ which made me decide that the human body isn't really made for anything close to 10 degrees C. So we (my girlfriend and me) are moving from the cold Holland to nice and warm OZ. I just got 1 problem! I would really like to bring my beloved Scura with me but since moving overthere is going to cost me enough as it is It would be nice to know prices of 2nd hand scura's in OZ! I checked some internetsites talked to a dealer while i was there but didn't really get a good picture in my mind about prices and maybe even more important availibility......


So if anybody has a clue about avalibility and prices of a scura in OZ that would be greatly appreciated!


Thanks in advance!





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:helmet: congratulations on your decision to migrate to this great country,we have a long history of dutch immigrants and we certainly owe a lot to the skilled trades people who helped build the infrastructure of australia, i grew up near to a hostel so went to school with many dutch kids and still have friends from then. to your question. a friend bought a 02 scura just last year second hand with around 20000 km on clock, he paid $16,000 aus dollars, another bought a rosso mandello just a couple of months back similiar km he paid $13,500 both bikes were in excellent condition, i looked at a coppa italia new in shop in melbourne in november $27,000 asking price, but i'm sure one could get it for much less. a rough guide but i hope it may help. ciao gazza.

I am just coming back from a nice holiday to OZ which made me decide that the human body isn't really made for anything close to 10 degrees C. So we (my girlfriend and me) are moving from the cold Holland to nice and warm OZ. I just got 1 problem! I would really like to bring my beloved Scura with me but since moving overthere is going to cost me enough as it is It would be nice to know prices of 2nd hand scura's in OZ!  I checked some internetsites talked to a dealer while i was there but didn't really get a good picture in my mind about prices and maybe even more important availibility......


So if anybody has a clue about avalibility and prices of a scura in OZ that would be greatly appreciated!


Thanks in advance!






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zero immigration status in Auz.



They were only letting in zero's then. I guess you're not a zero.


I tried back in the 80's and was told I was too qualified. A degree in physics and a commercial helicopter pilots licence was too much for them. I shopuld try again because I think I have fried all my brain cells concerning physics.

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Whether you get in depends on a lot of things but mainly what skills you have. There are major shortages of lots of skilled workers, trades people, doctors and nurses are generally a shoe-in. If you go to the Dept. of Immigration website there will be a list of occupations that are being spruiked for easy imigration access. try not to be too scared if you see a picture of the Minister for Immigration and Ethnic Affairs, she's called 'Fatty' Vanstone and has a face like a bashed crab!


My advice would be to buy a V11 when you get here. Any machine over, I think, 20 years old is easy enough to get in and register but anything newer and you'll have to get documentary proof, from the factory, that your model is IDENTICAL in every respect to a model sold here and they'll make you jump through hoops to meet all sorts of absurd legislative requirements, (Which will be different from state to state!). you wioll also pay import duty AND 10% GST when you bring it in. Believe me, it simply ain't worth it!!!!


Where are you thinking of settling? While the jobs are mainly in the major capital cities Sydney is a stinking wen that needs bulldozing off the face of the planet, Melbourne is a bit better and Perth is OK but it's the most remote city in the world. Sydney is further from Perth than Singapore!!!!


If you need any help or advice gimme a holler!


Pete Roper.



23, King St.

Bungendore. NSW2621



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:2c: ''me think you cabin fever people should re apply. things have changed since 80's 90's.. pete was right abought the new skilled intakes..don't let our attack dog immigration minister turn you off..''she's a woman after all :( but a bit like thathcher, but kicks harder..the preferance in 80's-90's was for wealth imports, but now preferance for skill shortage.. so come on down.. [question] have been told around 200 scura's here, does anyone have a different figure for ? jasper.
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:2c: ''yeah me '' more like 70 ?

:2c: ''me think you cabin fever people should re apply. things have changed since 80's 90's.. pete was right abought the new skilled intakes..don't let our attack dog immigration minister turn you off..''she's a woman after all  :(  but a bit like thathcher, but kicks harder..the preferance in 80's-90's was for wealth imports, but now preferance for skill shortage.. so come on down.. [question] have been told around 200 scura's here, does anyone have a different figure for ? jasper.


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Yeah, not wishing to be political but we currently have the most spineless, lickspittle government with a nasty, racist, right-wing bent that you might find pretty distasteful. So fawningly adoring of the US administration that the USA hasn't even bothered having an ambasador here for the last 11 months!!!! How sad is that.


When John Howard was elected nearly a decade ago he said he wanted to take Australia back to the 1950's, the terrifying thing is that he has succeeded, we are now, generally inward looking paranoid and racist, just like the country was 50 years ago! :angry: . You sure you still want to come here you miserable clog-wog bastard? :grin:



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A couple of my friends (alright, all of them....) have emigrated and they all found that the best option for taking stuff across was to hire a container on a cargo ship. Most of them took cars and bikes as well as furniture and other things they didn't want to let go of.



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This thread has piqued my interest since 2 members from British Columbia have expressed a desire to leave what many consider one of the most beautiful places on the planet.


It hits close to home since my father left Vancouver in 1950 and never returned to live there. We did take annual summer vacations to B.C. which I greatly enjoyed.


Sorry for the thread hijack. :cheese:

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This thread has piqued my interest since 2 members from British Columbia have expressed a desire to leave what many consider one of the most beautiful places on the planet.




Jude and I were in BC in the middle of last year and you're right, it really is stunningly beautiful. Oz is too in places, but in a different way. I suppose it's all a matter of what you like if you're priviledged enough to have a choice as to where you live. I left the UK because it was far too crowded with people I hated. I now live in a town that recently cracked the 6,000 population mark and it's now WAY to big for me so I'm hoping to make the move to the south coast of NSW and actually open a DEALERSHIP!! You know, selling new bikes and doo-rags and collostomy bag holders with 'Moto Guzzi' printed on them, all made in China mind :grin: Lots of space down there still, for the moment.



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:2c: a very good point made. it apears to be easy to bring things in to this country in shipping containers,,grey imports as example,second hand tractors,m/cycles,car seats,and what ever seem to turn up here on the market all the time even partly used tyres from japan used as gap filling, apparently only 1 in 1000 containers are inspected we are heavy consumers of any thing second hand, so come on down, just fill a 40ft container v11's disgruntled americans , even canadians we need ya's[ just no more ahabs] an importers lisence is so easy' our waterfront is overwhelmed.. :homer:

A couple of my friends (alright, all of them....) have emigrated and they all found that the best option for taking stuff across was to hire a container on a cargo ship.  Most of them took cars and bikes as well as furniture and other things they didn't want to let go of.




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Yeah, not wishing to be political but we currently have the most spineless, lickspittle government with a nasty, racist, right-wing bent that you might find pretty distasteful. So fawningly adoring of the US administration that the USA hasn't even bothered having an ambasador here for the last 11 months!!!! How sad is that.


When John Howard was elected nearly a decade ago he said he wanted to take Australia back to the 1950's, the terrifying thing is that he has succeeded, we are now, generally inward looking paranoid and racist, just like the country was 50 years ago! :angry: . You sure you still want to come here you miserable clog-wog bastard? :grin:




You know Pete, John Howard is looked upon highly in the rest of the world. His hard line on illegal immigration is much admired by the populace here. And what's wrong with returning to the simpler days of the '50s? The world is getting too complicated anyways. Angry? Paranoid? I bloody well would hope my government would be angry after a bunch of fellow citizens were blown up on purpose by people bent on destroying your way of life, country, beliefs, yes your's too Pete. And please don't do the typical left wing mantra of linking racism with right wing thoughts. It's really getting so old!

As a Canadian, Australia is found to be very appealing for many reasons, the main for me being the better motorcycle friendly weather. I would not consider living in say Brisbane, at least not during her summer. My brother spent 8 months there, has the same thoughts on what the ideal weather scene would be, and found Brizz to be much too humid and sticky. NSW would be more to my liking, and motorcycle holidays up Gold Coast way during the cooler times.

I do understand the cost of living/wages are much tougher in Auz than Canada, but things like that can be adapted. My line of business in Canada does me well, but in Auz it pays a pittance. I'd have to do something else.

But all for not, as I went onto the Dept of Immigration site last night, and found that I'm now officially too old, with 45 being the cutoff. Funny, the first time I checked, in 1986 during Expo 86 in Vancouver, 25 was the cutoff, and later when I was 31, 30 was the cutoff.

Ciao, Steve G.

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