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Slipped one in....

Guest Britcheflee

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Guest Britcheflee

A ride that is!!! Second round of storms coming from the Pacific to get us but mid morning here in N CA it was crystal clear skies and warm out of the wind. Took a ride into town and up the freeway - nice but a bit nippy.


Ridicule me if you want but I think I have found the perfect gearchanging method on my bike - previously I would occasionally miss a gear or it did not go in perfectly smoothly - however I have found that by gently pulling up with my foot (this is going up the box obviously) just before pulling in the clutch lever then completing the movement every gear goes in smooth. Anyway, just an observation.


Time for a nice hot cup of tea to drive out that chill now.




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A ride that is!!!  Second round of storms coming from the Pacific to get us but mid morning here in N CA it was crystal clear skies and warm out of the wind.  Took a ride into town and up the freeway - nice but a bit nippy.


Ridicule me if you want but I think I have found the perfect gearchanging method on my bike - previously I would occasionally miss a gear or it did not go in perfectly smoothly - however I have found that by gently pulling up with my foot (this is going up the box obviously) just before pulling in the clutch lever then completing the movement every gear goes in smooth.  Anyway, just an observation.


Time for a nice hot cup of tea to drive out that chill now.




I was hoping for more from this thread (re: "slipping one in") but alas. :huh2:


You most certainly live in another part of NoCA than I....here it's rain, rain, rain. I'm sick of it. :bbblll:


I find that "thinking" about gear changing always makes my transitions smoother. It's when I don't think that I get into trouble. :stupid:

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I've ridden every day this year! On the Ural though. It's a lot more fun in the gravel than my street bikes. A balmy 43˚F this afternoon. Tomorrow, I think I'll get up early and go buy a paper. It should only be about 28˚F for the 6 mile trip to the store and back. Lest you wonder why I have to go to the store, they don't deliver the paper out in the boonies where I live. I may opt to take a Guzzi but the Ural sort of gets in the way.




I'm really going to have to clean my garage...

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Guest Britcheflee

I think the rain was heading our way and it hit you first - its peeing down right now and I am cold and bored....so bored I have at last decided to take up the wobbly tiles in the kitchen and replace them.....

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