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The Latest Nero Corsa Saga - Possible great news!

Guest Michael Derby

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Guest Michael Derby

OK Ya'll - Here is the latest in my plight on the Nero Corsa saga. First off, everyone has been great here on the site, both offering advice, information, and often just emphathy for my frustration. Thanks.


In any event, thanks to ya'll I tracked down Shelby at Union Cycles. WOW! I thought for a moment when I had him on the phone I was talking to YODA or something. Shelby is no doubt the ZEN Buddhist Monk of Guzzi, at leat that I have met to this point. After describing the problem to him in detail, while he patiently listned to me babble about my issues, he did two things. First off, he assured me that if nothing else he could fix the problem and would be willing to invest the time to isolate this issue and resolve it. Not to worry. Second he calmly told me to go down to Atlanta Triumph Ducati, turn the bike ignition on, and slowly push in the KILL SWITCH on the handle bar. Move it slowly back and forth and lightly depress it no more than a millimeter he said. If it kills the ignition and you hear the fuel pump and the relays firing off he was 99% sure the problem lies in that switch, and that the vibration generated at certain RPM's under certain conditions can cause this. He then dived into a silliloque on the nature of vibration and it's movement through metals which caused my eyes to glaze over and give me drug induced flashbacks. He let me know that twice in his career he had to deal with the same issue.


In any event I drove immidiately down to A.T.D. and Jason and I turned it on and damned if that exact issue with the kill switch didn't happen. Wow, no one ever thought of that, and Jason assured me that he would have Michael swap out both the handle bar kill switch and the kickstand kill switch at Shelby's suggestion, this week.


I am will call Jason on Friday and see if they got it done. To assist in making this a priority I told Mason that he could test drive it as soon as they think they had it fixed. ( For those in ATL that know the crew there, Mason has been drooling on my bike since it arrived in the shop there 4 months ago.)


I'll keep you all posted at weeks end or as soon as I know if that worked. A collective "keep your fingers crossed" may help here folks!





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Michael, great news! You'll have the Nero sorted before the season comes on. I smell a trip to Dahlonega coming . . . :bike:


Shelby is a top notch gut. During my loooong gearbox debacle, he was a reassuring voice. :thumbsup:


This is the first I've heard of the run switch giving intermittent trouble. And another testimony to the trend that most electrical problems are actually pretty simple stuff.

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