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Full face helmets may kill you!


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The badger pokers have taken all the tea spoons from the kitchen draw at work.




The badgers actually seem to enjoy it- I prefer a large spoon to a tea spoon because they bite if you forget the KY kelly.


Cheers for the pic Martin- now added to my signature.


Guy :helmet:

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Unlike the multi-dimensional ramifications and scientific basis of geo-political socioeconomics and the meaning of truth, I reckon this topic's simple enough that even a cartoon-based mentality can handle it. 


But that's just a theory. :lol:


IMHO, Thanks! :homer: For once you let us knuckle draggers go at it without turning it into something like that Global Warming thread. I don't think I could take any more of that tit-for-tat. My neck is getting sore, like I've been centre court at a tennis match. Did you guys finally come to a conclusion that the world leaders can use to save the world, or do we have to go through another tie braking set?

Ciao, Steve G.

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:2c: its full face for me most of the time,protection from the elements rain bee stings hail bugs stones i've copped them all in the face. and my last two crashes at over 100 kmph ive been wearing a full face, the last sliding down the road face first destroying the shield and wearing through fabric jacket at both shoulders on front. after hitting oil spill. as for riding position or relaxing in fall ? maybe this might apply to trials riding, but has never come in to the equation for me at touring speeds. wear good gear. and hopefully don't hit anything while bituman surfing. :thumbsup:
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I've long suspected that a crash at anything more than say 20 mph without a helmet will likely kill you, and that with a helmet you will likely be a blubbering mass of protoplasm using a pencil in your teeth to drive your chair around the nursing home.  So, I'm fairly understanding of those who choose not to wear one. Personally, I feel my odds are better with one ... and the comfort and protection of a full face in the rain or wind seems to offset any disadvantages, per the report shown here.


Stop your head on anything solid at ~20mph or more and, helmet or not, you will die. Helmets are good for graze and weather protection and light impacts. Against that, they add weight to your head, which may exacerbate neck injuries.



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[ '' but bi'll still wear one. on most rides. :helmet: quote=mike wilson,Jan 27 2006, 10:46 PM]

Stop your head on anything solid at ~20mph or more and, helmet or not, you will die. Helmets are good for graze and weather protection and light impacts. Against that, they add weight to your head, which may exacerbate neck injuries.




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Of course, the best way of avoiding a bike injury is not to crash in the first place.


Well, no, the best way to avoid a bike injury is not to ride in the first place. But that may be a choice we riders are unwilling to make.


So it all comes down to mitigation of risk. Will a DOT/Snell-approved full-face helmet allow you to survive if you crash head-on at 160mph? Probably not. Do MotoGP racers ever crash at 100+mph and walk away? A lot of the time. So the idea that ANY crash on a bike will kill you, therefore wear shorts & flipflops & no helmet, is just plain er, ill-thought-out.


Wearing a helmet is about risk mitigation. Wear a beanie helmet and protect yourself from a low-speed crash where your head impacts on its crown. Wear an openface (3/4) helmet and protect your crown and temples. Wear a full-face helmet and protect your chin, nose, crown, and temple.


Wear a tshirt only and protect your torso from lowspeed rash (sort of). Wear a long-sleeved heavy flannel shirt and protect your arms at low speed. Wear a fabric/mesh jacket with CE armor and protect most of your arms and torso and joints from road rash and most bone breakage. Wear leather with armor and back protection...


And so on.


Point is, what's a REASONABLE risk mitigation to make? We combine our own choices along with those that, as a society, we feel is a level all folks should make.

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Well, no, the best way to avoid a bike injury is not to ride in the first place.




I think you are going to extremes.


I guess the best way to avoid any injury is to stay in bed

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Guest ratchethack
Did you guys finally come to a conclusion that the world leaders can use to save the world, or do we have to go through another tie braking set?

                                                                       Ciao, Steve G.

I think it was getting too tiresome and boring dealing with the fact that somebody seemed to have left the door to the Romper Room wide open. Most of the adults evidently got too distracted by the mayhem and found better things to do... -_-


I reckon that's just about all we can expect from a "serious" subject on a Forum where a few too many participants evidently just wanna play, and/or provoke squabbling, and/or read cartoons? :huh2:


I learned a coupla things, but there were precious few surprises. -_-


ACK! This might be considered a cross-thread. Best stifle it. :blush:

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I guess the best way to avoid any injury is to stay in bed


About a month ago a man and woman in my area were killed while they were sleeping when an SUV went "out of control" and through their bedroom wall.


So much for that theory of safety.

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About a month ago a man and woman in my area were killed while they were sleeping when an SUV went "out of control" and through their bedroom wall.


So much for that theory of safety.



Another reason to ban gas guzzling SUVs that have been proven to be responsible for global warming, war in Iraq and the deaths of hundreds of children.

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I think it was getting too tiresome and boring dealing with the fact that somebody seemed to have left the door to the Romper Room wide open.  Most of the adults evidently got too distracted by the mayhem and found better things to do... -_-


I reckon that's just about all we can expect from a "serious" subject on a Forum where a few too many participants evidently just wanna play, and/or provoke squabbling, and/or read cartoons? :huh2:


I learned a coupla things, but there were precious few surprises. -_-


ACK!  This might be considered a cross-thread.  Best stifle it. :blush:



This assumes that most of us who took the mickey were bored/intellectually inadequate/just plain stupid. That's at least mildly insulting, and I think you would be quite surprised if you became aware of the academic backgrounds of some of the members you seems content to patronise. Actually, it was just an outbreak of sense of fun.


Accept, my friend, that some of us don't think the V11 forum is the appropriate arena to get serious about serious issues: it's not what we're here for. I enjoy my time here, but I don't expect or want to become embroiled here in issues I am nevertheless very well qualified to discuss.



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Guest ratchethack

But au contraire, mon ami!


Fun is fun, and I've had my share, but I reckon I know where to find it. I agree with you, such a topic here carries the equivalent risk of being the only Guzzi at a Harley rally, as I've previously suggested in the thread in question. I think I said something like, "It's not what I came here for, either." :doh:


Nevertheless, I thought a serious topic deserved some serious attention. You'll note that I didn't start the thread (nor would I have), and I actually managed to avoid it altogether for quite awhile. -_-


I b'lieve I'm well aware of the intellectual capacity of most of the Forum. I wouldn't have expended considerable effort otherwise. As you'll note in my post, I referred to "a few too many participants" in the derogatory. This can hardly be interpreted as "most of us"...?? :huh2:


You'll note that I referred to "adults" who "found better things to do", as you evidently did. I consider these (dare I use the term) the "Silent Majority". :o Unless you were really lookin' HARD for it and takin' a pretty substantial stretch at the same time, I sincerely don't know how you could've felt yourself even mildly insulted by anything I said - that is, unless maybe you put yourself in that other category?!?! :whistle::D


I hadn't intended to be too awfully insulting, and I apologize if I've offended your sensibilities, but I think your assumption is way off base, my friend. I'm pretty direct, I'm not here to pander to anyone, and I'm not afraid of indulging in mild toe tromping if I'm not too horribly obnoxious about it in pursuit of stimulating debate, either. Of course, like everyone else, I reserve the right to determine my own level of obnoxiousness! :grin:


Sorry we seem to have missed the benefit of your very well qualified contributions in the discussion, my friend. -_-


Bon soir! :)

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