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Clutch Swap Time....Advice please?


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Guest ratchethack
Job sussed....


Just tipped the whole plot on its nose and Robert's yer Mothers's Brother! :thumbsup:


Too simple innit!  :rolleyes:


Nige. B)

Congrat's are in order!


Don't feel too badly, Nige. It's raining here and we just spent way too much time figuring out how to get a front wheel spacer on the correct side. :homer:


Sounds like y'er havin' some fun... :luigi: Best o' luck!




While Robert's my Mother's Sister's Husband, so the usual phrase always applies -_- , he ain't my Mother's Brother!


('s true - really!) :lol:

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Thanks for the encouragement and moral support...Much appreciated! :thumbsup:


Well I could have said yer Dad's Brother instead but it don't have the same alliteration. :D


Another step further forward. With the help of an excellent loaned tool ( You know who you are......A big Thank You! ) got the clutch inner body off the mainshaft with the able assistance of an unfeasably large and substantial C Spanner to lock the body & shaft. :thing:


Gonna call that a night now for spannering. When I got daylight I will continue assembly. :luigi:


Nige. B)

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Right two steps backwards today! :bbblll:


Decided the clutch plates on the s/h clutch were too knackered to want to use, so I will have to order replacements.


Biggest setback though was to find that the replacement clutch centre I have will not fit on the mainshaft, the i/d is too small. Obviously the 6 speed boxes are of a larger diameter! :moon:


So more emailing and bits required after all. :homer:


Nige :(

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  • 4 weeks later...

Right, got the Engine and Tranny back in one lump now! :thumbsup:


Won't be able to get it all nailed back together and working for a little while yet though.


Gotta sort out some proper lighting in there so I get get some more hours in and............


We are away on holiday for a week from Thursday :rolleyes:


So have to put it on hold for a little while yet. :huh:


Watch this space....but don't hold your breath! :grin:


Nige. B)

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Well, ok, but I was all set to give you some pointers on how to get them to help you.



Well, I read a chunk of the link....


Didn't understand much of it TBH...... :huh:


A bit like the situation for the wife and kids when they get in the garage really! ;)


We would have the wife who isn't mechanically minded, two daughters 10 and 9 and a lad of 6 who are more interested in making a racket than anything else!


Don't think it would help much! :homer:


Nige. :grin:

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Could you get the wife and kids to help?


Never let small kids in your garage,I remember my daughter saying she was going in to get her bicycle helmet and she could reach it nae bother, well she could reach, by standing on a cb 750 petrol tank :( lucky it hadnt been repainted


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That's dissapointing news. I've got a two month old daughter that I'm grooming as my assistant. We're working on the basics, but she keeps putting the spanners in her mouth.

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