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I'm really confused..........


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Since often so many folks fret for what seems like ages on finding the perfect avatar, I just decided to grab one of the "stock" avatars from the first forum, then add a little humor to it since at the time I was doing major tinkering on the bike.


I've thought about changing it at times, but then just thought... why? It's been my avatar the whole time on this site, so I'll go with consistency.


Now, Helicopter Jim might want to watch out that the producers of "Miss Saigon" don't come after him and his! :P



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what is rude about male chickens???


The fat hanging from the elder chicken's wings.

Mick Jagger was in better shape than me, but he had something like four inches of rude fat sagging below his triceps...I wish i could find a picture of him doing the chicken wing cluck durring the superbowl....RUDE! give us back Janet's boob.

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Having surrendered the image to the public domain, I'll retain satisfaction in knowing that few will make such a long ride.




where's that 77 miles winding road ? This is nearly as long as Belgium from one side to the other...

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