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its funny, american adds and television can't show boobs but we can show someone get their brains splattered on the wall. :huh:

I'd much rather have boobs



I found the fuss over the Janet Jackson thing a bit weird. One tiny boobie pops out while she sings and the world is going to end! Do some people think that breasts are dirty? If kids grow up thinking that, they may turn out quite weird!


And women not being able to sunbathe topless on the beaches? What is that all about?


I guess a different country, different customs- but maybe closer to Saudai Arabia than Europe in respect to these sort of things.


Guy :helmet:

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:2c: i too have found this a strange thing with the states like the people have to be protected from the sight of a nipple on television but their cinema industry is allmost based on violance and excessive explosive force as is their foreign policy. ok the extreme right christian sects have the power of office with a view abortion bad, killing doctors who may perform such things ok, invading countries ok, viewing nipples sinfull,keeping poverty ok, and no need to vote! aint democracy great! and now they've enabled iraq to have it and all is lovely. walt you've done a good job.
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If I was an American I could have been easily offended by the above post.

Let's not start a political discussion here, this is the hooters thread, for Pete's sake! (and I dont want you guys forcing me to close it... :D )


Damn, there goes my best post this year.


Could we not have girls with HOOTERS discussing politics, perhaps with speech bubbles?

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lets get back



A tutor who tooted a flute

Tried to tutor two tutors to toot.

Said the two to the tutor,

"Is it harder to toot or

To tutor two tutors to toot?"


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