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  Nogbad said:

Not collecting it till next month though, because they offered me an 06 plate if I was prepared to wait, and I thought it might be worth a bit in resale value. All the special offer bikes are gone now and the price is back up to almost 8K for the same spec as mine so I consider I did quite well.




The roads up here are in shite order at the moment. We had about two weeks of cold and dry, so the roads were orange with rock salt. Then a damp and drizzly weekend. So now everyone has a black vehicle within five miles and the tarmac is as greasy as a rocker's comb.


Very, very nasty.



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  mike wilson said:
The roads up here are in shite order at the moment.  We had about two weeks of cold and dry, so the roads were orange with rock salt.  Then a damp and drizzly weekend.  So now everyone has a black vehicle within five miles and the tarmac is as greasy as a rocker's comb.


Very, very nasty.






Was not too bad this morning- had to take the H**ley for a service and sweated like a pig in my winter gear cos it was so mild.


Guy :helmet:

  mdude said:
On the serious side; I'm no hunter myself, and couldnt really enjoy shooting anything (but I do kill fish). But the US-sourced (sorry, but it is) Disney way of seeing things, where some (cute) animals suddenly are recognized to be more or less human (dolphins, dalmatians, orcas, seals, clown fish, you name them.....) is quite frankly rubbish. Where the heck do people think that the meat lumps at KFC or McDons or your average restaurant come from?


Disney did not invent the concept of not killing cute things. They just took advantage of people's nature, the genetic predisposition in most species to not kill cute things.

It it theorized and maybe accepted that babies of any species are cute so that we don't eat our offspring as it is bad for the proliferation of the species. The cute factor also entices the parent to care for the offspring. As the cute factor fades, the parent is supposed to cut the figurative umbilical cord...it does not alway happen. :(

I think it would be a shame to evolve out of the tendency of not killing cute things.

I think when kids see Disney films and films of animal slaughter, many of them do become vegetarians, until family and peer pressure pushes them back to "normal" behavior.

KFC and McDonalds are savy enough not to post pictures of cute baby cows and chickens, although it might not be a bad marketing ploy to de-sensitize their patrons.

I suspect the use of words like beef, venison, poultry, and pork are designed to seperate people from the fact they are eating cow, deer, bird, and pig.

But the films of animal slaughter are much more likely to push them to vegetarianism than Disney.

You still don't see many Disney films with beef, pork, and lamb in the leading roles.

Disney generally casts animals that we don't eat.

Most of us don't eat clown fish, bambi burgers, mickey mice, pluto dog, monkey, lion, tiger, pooh bear, bear pooh, or mermaid(but that might be tasty :wub: ). About the only exceptional character might be Donald Duck, which many people avoid perhaps because it is more expensive than chicken.

  dlaing said:
Disney did not invent the concept of not killing cute things.




agree to that and most of your post, about cute probably being a defence. the only thing is that it actually demands that wild animals have the same understanding of cute that we have. and I dont think that they have, thats down to the Disney-effect again. male polar bears (among other animals) are known to kill baby cubs in order to breed more frequently. how can they?

but I still argue that Disney invented the human animal and with it the detachment from natures ways that we see today. for crying out loud, I've seen grown up men talk to their dog and get really hysterically angry when it doesnt answer... and japanese tourists who run out of cars in safari-parks to cuddle the grizzlys. they see Baloo, and expect a hug. big hugs, indeed.

and if dolphins are the most intelligent being on earth (which is a quote out of some Discovery Channel-show), I'd like one of them to come by and help me adjust the valves. and then help me do my taxes.


now; home to make the veggie pasta dish and watch curling... salut!

  macguzzi said:
I really can't belive I am reading this SICK shit on a motorcycle web forum we got canned for disscusing war's but the cold blooded murder of innocent seals is okay come on Jaap where's your sense of moderation. TX you need help boy, get out of Texas and see the world, but leave your weapons at home.



Yo man! you need to shut the @#!#$# up n get outta my thread. It was designed for people to just chill out n B S

You came here n started shit. You have alot of apoligizing to do man. Stop eating banana's and swing on down from the trees. Innocent seals :lol: They kill tons of Salmon & thet're more threatened than Flipper pie.


Oh, I know, you'd prefer it if I didn't defend myself at all so perhaps your intellect wouldn't be shown up as so lacking in depth, hey Ned? Or perhaps you could impress us with the size of your intellect and just not read my posts anymore?


Any thing new?


Anything at all?


How about anything that hasn't already been posted twenty times before?




  Frenchbob said:
Redneck Rage!..........more, please


You don't fool me, TX. I know you're a college professor winding people up for kicks.


Nah , he is a florist with atitude. :moon:


I never thought clubbing a baby seal would be so much work!!! but it still looks well worth the effort I'll have to get me a shelaleigh and go seal thumpin next season. Booh Yah. this might make it even easier.



me thinks tx works for the oil industry and is just trying to take our attention away from climate change. so please desert this thread. :ninja:

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