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Long way round


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I guess The Long Way Round was always going to be different than your average Joe's trip because it was two luvvies and a cameraman making a documentary.


After watching the DVD and reading the book, I still admire what they did because it was tough even though they had the luxury of support vehicles etc.


The main thing that annoys me is that Charlie is too posh to swear properly- when he says "f**ing hell" it just sounds stupid because of his posh luvvie accent.


He has cleverly made a mint out of the trip though, and has been doing personal appearances at bike shows etc ever since- and credit to him for attempting the Dakar.


I have watched that Mondo Enduro film that Ferguzzi mentions and that is ace- really good fun and the complete opposite end of the spectrum to the Long Way Round.


Guy :helmet:

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Hey guys there is a great show on Real TV channel tonight (US) called "Long Way Round" It's about Ewan McGregor and Charley Boorman preparing to ride BMW's around the world. It' really quite good even though I don't have a clue who Charley is, my guess is you folks in the UK could fill me in. Looks like it's going to be a series and will continue on. :thumbsup:


Thank goodness it's NOT a reality show. :vomit:


Does anyone know about this? Check it out.


:ninja:  :ninja:  :ninja:


Hmm I had a funny thought, I was remembering Steinbeck wrote a book titled Travels with Charley. Similar thing 'cept Charley was a dog :D Well that & they just traveled around America looking for story material.

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I guess The Long Way Round was always going to be different than your average Joe's trip because it was two luvvies and a cameraman making a documentary.


After watching the DVD and reading the book, I still admire what they did because it was tough even though they had the luxury of support vehicles etc.


I haven't read all this thread, but it seems to be repeating what was said in the previous threads on same topic.


I agree with G.rider that the trip should be admired and enjoyed. Why be damningly critical about such a venture? The fact is that they got out and did it – in whatever way made sense in their circumstances. Of course it was going to be different than 'the average trip', for all sports of reasons. One reason being that there was not much time for planning and preparation. In that case, it makes sense to set-up a project office and get people to help with the planning and prep. It got them out there and they've done the thing. Even better, they took along people to film it, which among other things means that we can vicariously enjoy and understand a bit more about such a venture.

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Hmm I had a funny thought, I was remembering Steinbeck wrote a book titled Travels with Charley. Similar thing 'cept Charley was a dog  :D Well that & they just traveled around America looking for story material.



How about Robert Louis Stevenson's Travels with a Donkey

leads on to

Travels with my Aunt

which inturn leads to

Charley's Aunt

and were back with Charley and Ewan

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Hmm I had a funny thought, I was remembering Steinbeck wrote a book titled Travels with Charley. Similar thing 'cept Charley was a dog  :D Well that & they just traveled around America looking for story material.



But he did it in a TRUCK!

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I must admit, I easily noticed the grand "sponsorship" that Charlie & Ewan enjoyed, and was jealous of it. But I understand why they would get such sponsorship, and why I would not. And I'm ok with this fact. I have large respect for them simply because of the route that they took, that god forsaken route through Kasikstan, Mongolia and the Road of Bones. This is NOT a route around the world I would take!

Anyone with a hint of adventure smoldering in their bones would surely be inspired in some manner to do something similar like that. It has inspired myself and 8 others in my riding group, who are confirmed in a 3 week Baha California Sur run next February. Some have gotten new duel purpose machines, totally against character and habit. Small by comparison, but certainly a taste of what there is to see out in the world. Heck, it's inspired me to go to night school to clean up my Spanish basics!

Ciao, Steve G.

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:2c: i've been told they missed a days showering on this grand adventure and spoke of the horror! is this true. i havn't seen the movie. but i'll get it. but i won't pay for it. :D

If I was a young millionaire...would I take a round the world trip with 2 support trucks, mechanic, chef & Swedish masseuse named Olga?


fookin' right I would :grin:


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:2c: i've been told they missed a days showering on this grand adventure and spoke of the horror! is this true. i havn't seen the movie. but i'll get it. but i won't pay for it.  :D


Same thing happed at the Erin last year. It was dreadful.

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Guest aironepony

There is a Chinese re-make of this film where the journey is made in the opposite direction...............starring Wong Wei .................. :thumbsup:



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well folks after reading all your comments, good an bad....

I've come to the conclusuion...we are all F___N JEOLOUS of what Ewan and Charlie have done! We would all gladly have taken their places I am sure..

those that havn't read the books or seen the dvd i suggest you find a copy as soon as you can!.

Ride safely, enjoy your Guzzi....

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Guest aironepony
well folks after reading all your comments, good an bad....

I've come to the conclusuion...we are all F___N JEOLOUS of what Ewan and Charlie have done!  We would all gladly have taken their places I am sure..




Nope!...........and ................nope!


................ :thumbsup:

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