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Guest goffredo
  vintagegear said:
(...) Though I would favor the Bode and RDS rigs for their greater inherent stability.






I see a lot of inherent mental instability.

That used to be a V11 Verde Legnano... Sigh... :homer:



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  Nogbad said:

Whilst I don't see myself ever wanting one unless I have a leg or an arm amputated, I wouldn't purport to condemn any of them.



Interesting point. I ran across this young lady in Salisbury, England a few years back. She was wheelchair bound and didn't have the use of her legs. She rolled up into the sidecar, hoisted the ramps and then pulled herself over onto the saddle. All the shifting, braking and throttles were done with hand controls.


The sidecar was her way of overcoming her disability and still be able to ride. True grit! :notworthy:





  Dr Gil said:


Holy Cow! you could fit 4 kegs on that bike. :drink:

More power to her! :bier:

Durring last year's Castaic Lake Rally there was a guy on an Breva750 Hack.


He rode it like a sport bike and could have benefitted from the extra power of the Guzzi Sport.

You can't see in the photo, but Ed Milich and his dog are riding in the hack.

Good times :rasta:

Death to the anti-fun police!

Another benefit of the hack is riding on snow and ice. :2c:


Them outfits look good to me...like a lot of fun. Only ridden one - an old B33 - scared meself witless running wider & wider on a neverending left hander heading for an on-coming 18 wheeler (can still picture it now) - I knew the theory...accelerate around lefts...it doesn't come natural tho...closed me eyes, opened the throttle & well bugger me it worked.... thought I'd got the hang of it :race: & a few miles later put it in a ditch ...just like they all knew I would...


Don't knock it if you never tried it.


KB :sun:


Ok, so l figure that all this side-hack stuff is just way too "out there"...Racing side hacks are very cool, and the Harley/Beemer thing is, well, it's ok l guess, and yes if l HAD to, a Guzzi hack would be ok, but not a Guzzi Sport model....it just ain't right!

Did however find something that seemed "right" Arig thats built by a Dutch Co l believe....whose attachment l cant get on this site :homer: ....mmmmm let me try again....






  Van said:
Ok, so l figure that all this side-hack stuff is just way too "out there"...Racing side hacks are very cool, and the Harley/Beemer thing is, well, it's ok l guess, and yes if l HAD to, a Guzzi hack would be ok, but not a Guzzi Sport model....it just ain't right!

Did however find something that seemed "right" Arig thats built by a Dutch Co l believe....whose attachment l cant get on this site :homer: ....mmmmm let me try again....






Ok, one more time with feeling...

  Nogbad said:
I wouldn't purport to condemn any of them.


Yes you would. Yes you would. If we had said, sidecar combinations on Guzzis are fab and we all want one – then you would have condemned them as hideous abominations of the most unmotorcyclingest kind. :bbblll:

  Nogbad said:
Belfast - How can you use Moto-Guzzi and sportsbike in the same sentence?


I knew I'd get stick for that, but I used it as official MG terminology. The bikes are V.11 Sports.

  Nogbad said:
STUPID 1950's "Futurecar" fake grille. Yeuch.


Fabulous. Supercars'R'Us

  Nogbad said:
I don't see myself ever wanting one

unless I have a leg or an arm amputated


I do cheap rates for Forum members. 50% discount if you go for both off.

  jrt said:
and they are a good option for families.  Remember (or be informed) that sidecars were one of the only available transportation modes for families prior to the introduction of the Model T. 


They WERE a good option for families...prior to the Model T Ford


  jrt said:
Besides, if you drive a sidecar, kids absolutely love you.  They all wave from the sidewalks and stuff- it's cute. 


JR – they're not waving at you...


  jrt said:
the paintjob on the green one... now that's at least a misdemeanor.


Yeah. Staedler.



  mike wilson said:
that is magnificent.  I would pay for that


Brilliant. I'd take one, but without the motorbike attached to it. That messes it up, big-time.

  Van said:
Racing side hacks are very cool,.... and yes if l HAD to, a Guzzi hack would be ok, but not a Guzzi Sport model....it just ain't right!


That's the point – I think.

  belfastguzzi said:
JR – they're not waving at you...


They are, but I won't tell you which finger...

  belfastguzzi said:
They WERE a good option for families...prior to the Model T Ford


No..they're still are a good option. Sidecars are fun. So are popsicles, swingsets and swimming if you if you do 'em right.

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