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Bl**dy blind car drivers


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Hi all, had a knock on my door this evening from a guy wanting to know if the bike outside is mine, I look past him to see my v11 on its side. :( After first desire to punch his lights out passes go outside to pick up bike with his and my other halves help. He is busy apologising and saying he never felt a thing as he pushed my bike over-desire to start punching is rapidly returning. To add insult to injury he's driving a newish 5-series beemer and has bloody reversing sensors, but is worried because they didn't go off. At this point I really was steaming and the missus is hovering ready to intervene when a short temper fuelled by 7 hours sleep in the last 70 hours is set to explode :angry: . In the end damage seems to be limited to a broken fly screen, two dodgy front indicators(not that great before), bent bars we came to a suitable financial arrangement and he left, with the proviso if I find anymore damage in better light tomorrow we will put it through the insurance companies. I thought he was a fairly decent guy for at least knocking and not just pi**ing off. Then a little later one of my neighbours tells me he saw the guy do it and made sure he knew that he had his reg and would give it to me, so maybe he wouldn't have called who knows. :huh2:

Cheers gary :bier:

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Well that sucks flat out.

Hope you gave him the 2yr old on a tricycle

guilt trip. God...my ears are turnin' red just thinkin' about it.

Congrats for maintaining your composure....

My Guzzi My Guzzi....go run over an HD for Gods sake!

There's plenty of them around.

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Put yourself in his shoes for a few minutes then go back to being yourself. If you still have hard feeling about him so be it.


Now the next thing is to realise that he is entirely responsible and to give him the chance to own up to that. If he does not then you must do what is necessary.


I hope all works out well for you and I hope you are back riding in no time!




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I've replaced the bars and indicators with items from the shed (where all good bike parts go to group together till further use :P ), as I have already converted to bars and risers at least this was easy. Have ordered a pair of pattern levers as they where cheaper than a standard one, will see about quality in use. Only leaves a new fly screen to find, and on looking closely today decided I will replace the headlamp shell(non standard when the bike arrived) as its getting quite rusty. As Ouiji Veck said god help a small child if he didn't feel it knocking over 500lbs of Guzzi, have now calmed down(amazing what a good nights sleep will achieve) and will chill out, could have been a lot worse.

Cheers Gary :bier:

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