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Injection ? just too plain cold ? plugs ?


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hi all :)



my bike acts strangely at this moment...It's quite cold in Brussels, and the last times i took the bike for a spin it was always less than 5 ° Celsius.


The bike starts flawelessly, first time, i would then do +/- 15 mins ride to my rendez-vous , have a cuppa coffee for 30 minutes or so, go back to the bike..


And it wouldn't start. I can hear the fuel pomp, battery seems fine, it sounds like the bike wants to start but it won't. After looking at the sky for some divine help, a few more attempts later, the bike would finally start...


i'm puzzled. And annoyed. What could it be ? This has happened to me every five time i took the bike out...

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Maybe something simple as a bad battery? In combination with riding short distances with lights on?





But the bike wouldn't then start as well as it does in the morning I think.

you can hear when a battery is going down, and mine seems fine...

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Does it feel like the starter is engaging with the engine, but not turning it?

When it finally does start does it feel like it is barely turning?

If so, I would look at the battery, battery and starter connections, and oil weight(should be 5Wmultigrade), if those are OK then you may need to overhaul the starter.

Perhaps putting the bike into a higher gear and giving it a little push with the key off, just to free up the engine, may help.

However if the engine turns but does not start, it would be something else.

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But the bike wouldn't then start as well as it does in the morning I think.

you can hear when a battery is going down, and mine seems fine...


Is it kept in a heated garage?

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Does it feel like the starter is engaging with the engine, but not turning it?




no, the starter does turn indeed, but it sounds like there are no sparkling somehow.

Or no petrol. The engine does turn but to no reaction...


and i can't only repeat that operation what, 5, 6 times (after that the battery dies...)


the bike is at night in a garage, but it's not heated.


and I would like to add i'm using the bike very, very often in town and it never did that on me before...

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Guest ratchethack
dry gas ? what's that ?

Alcohol additive for gasoline. If I recall from my former "real winter" days :o:xmas: , I believe it's also called "gas dryer". The alcohol works (to a limited extent) by combining with any condensed water that typically forms in regional and local storage tanks, thereby making its way into your gas tank - particularly in cold months. The intent is to make watered fuel easier to burn. Sometimes it actually seems to work. What it seems best at doing is preventing accumulated low pockets of water in gas lines and such (gas being lighter than H20) from freezing solid at low temp's and blocking gas-lines, etc.

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The 900ss wont run if the temp gets down

much below the low 40s f depending on the humidity.

The carbs are about a foot from the heads (talk about your

velocity stacks!) and they freeze up while under way.

Stop for a few minutes and the heat from the engine thaws 'em out.

Luckily there's a forum as good as this one for the 900ss (thanks Mr. Japp)

and I knew what it was the first time it happened. A lttle dry gas and problem solved.

Not that I really think this is the problem here. Just thought I'd throw it out there

because the symptoms sounded so familliar. My V11 loves the cold (unlike myself)

and I've not heard of carb icing on one. Then again if your getting crappy fuel

it could be the deal.

Hope you get it sorted out.i

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Next time try sitting on the bike to start it with the side stand up and in neutral. Be certain the neutral light is coming on.


Working the side stand a few times and working the gear shift will better ensure these switches are giving current to run. If this doesn't do it, reseat the middle relay.

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