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Do you chew it too, or does someone else do that for you? I mean within the tribe or clan of course!!


No, I just bite it once or twice, swallow and then get constipated and bloated.

Life is a bitch when you don't have a mother puffin to do your masticating for you.

Maybe I should get my wife to do it :huh2:

Or just live on liquids! :drink:

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Guest ratchethack
(How come R. Hatcheck still hasn't been enticed in?)

I do appreciate your kind invitation last evening, BFG, (late as the invitation was). :doh:


But by the time I got out of the water over there and took a gander at what was loose in the water over here - no offense, but it appeared to be just another roadside case of free-floating, non-specific Relativism in the process of vectoring out. :whistle:


Seemed like a good time to jump back in the shark tank to me... Afeared? Not likely, I prefer dicing it up with pelagic sharks. <_<


Only a stuppa would have any fear of such a granfalloon as this.


No, I've gone elsewhere, thanks just the same. -_-


If any of y'all should consider this a saroon to a vin-dit, y'er more'n welcome to awaken to your duffle by at least understanding the language of what it is that y'er engaged in here:




I'd highly recommend it, it appears to be your zah-mah-ki-bo.


Who knows? It could be the wampeter of y'er entire karass. :rolleyes:


If that doesn't grab you by the sinookas, maybe what you really need over here is a couple o' cases o'

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I say! Better late than never. And you come bearing gifts.

What an elucidating, nay momentous contribution.

Do stay.

This could be the very wampeter of a newly waxing era of Motononguzzism.

Who'd have thought it!

I'm delighted.


I propose Bendy for Chief Scribe of the Oracle.


And Nogbad as Prime Example of the Daily Saying, which today is:

"Beware of the man who works hard to learn something, learns it, and finds himself no wiser than before. He is full of murderous resentment of people who are ignorant without having come by their ignorance the hard way."


Hairypony gets the task of artfully painting this onto some long-abandoned drum-brake housing, which shall be mounted on the forum gatepost:

"Maturity is a bitter disappointment for which no remedy exists, unless laughter can be said to remedy anything."

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Guest ratchethack

BFG, may I compliment you on your discovery of the wisdom of a man whose depth of understanding of Relativism has become a true masterwork of cultural analysis in his own time.


May your thirst for understanding be rewarded as well as mine has been. -_-


And may this be a true wampeter for you and yours!


Duty presently calls me eslewhere, but I'll try to check in from time to time just to see if the inevitable full-blown pool-pah has erupted. :o;)


You'll occasionally find me checking in over at the shark tank. -_-


Until then, I offer these words of wisdom from The Book of Bokonon:


Referring to one's karass:


"Man created the checkerboard; God created the karass."


"If you find your life tangled up with somebody else's life for no very logical reasons, that person may be a member of your karass."


"Likes and dislikes have nothing to do with it."



And finally, one of my all-time favorites:


Referring to a granfalloon:


"If you wish to study a granfalloon,

Just remove the skin of a toy balloon."



OH - Just one more thing: Lest your ensuing forays into the sublime absurdities of Relativism lead you - in confronting the past, and probably present, heavily-conflicted nature of Vonnegut himself - in any way to question his absolute contempt for Relativism (the sheer magnitude of which would without question put my own to shame), -_- you might enjoy considering this little (un-edited, I swear!) self-portrait, in which he very evidently depicts the central theme of his pivotal work, Cat's Cradle, 1963:

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Guest Nogbad
Looks like it might be a nice day for a ride this weekend.  Say, about  500miles.





You could well be right...

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