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bike setup

Steve G.

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Guest ratchethack

Hmmmmmm, I just took a quick tour. The first thing I noticed is that they completely ignore 2 fundamental aspects of setup - spring rate and unladen sag. If you assume already properly matched spring rates to rider weight already installed, y'er fine with their setup. Better than no setup at all, but only slightly. :huh2:


Nice colorful photo's though - but IMHO, this is a serious omission that's bound to get someone in trouble... :o


An inadequate and highly misleading site WRT suspension setup, IMHO. <_<


BTW - I haven't hardly looked at the GW thread for nearly 2 weeks. I think it's suffered long enough. :grin:

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I suspect he was trying to keep it simple, but in doing so omits some important details.

Perhaps if Ratchet and I bump heads for a bit, we could hash out a better How To.

Try going to http://www.bikesetup.com/ and clicking on Setup Index

It borrows for Traxxions site, and is more complete(it covers spring rate and unaden sag) and less mis-leading than his Preload page, but it is much harder to read.

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Guest ratchethack

Dave, I took another look. Y'er right, the info is there, but IMHO it's not presented at all properly on the "Setup Steps" page, and fundamental concepts are not clearly laid out - to the point of being very misleading. It looks to me like the author of the site lacked an understanding of the principles involved, so he just relied on Max McAllister's stuff and got permission to cobble it in. :huh2:


Here's a site that I consider pretty good, as ref'd previously.




It occurs to me that the primary challenge here for many riders is that this stuff seems to require more reading than many seem inclined (or equipped) to tolerate. -_- But it should at least be presented so the novice isn't enticed into serious errors of omission!


In comparison, the site above may lack the visual appeal of a lot of meaningless, colorful illustrations, <_< but the content is both well-presented and comprehensive, IMHO, and at least no one's likely to get into trouble. :thumbsup:

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