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Ohlins Rear Springing nd Valving

Greg Field

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Coomon wisdom is that the Ohlins shock on the Scura didn't work as well as the one used on later Coppas, etc.


I have a leaky warranty-takeoff shock from a Scura that I'm having rebuilt. I'd like to have them revalve it and re-spring it as necessary to work well for me, at 230 lbs.


Can anyone share experience on what the model number was for the later shock, or any re-springing or re-valving hints?



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No idea about the valving.

Discussions on the Sachs seem to indicate a 550#/inch spring is about right for your weight.

I misjudged with my Sachs when I bought a 475# spring for my 210+#

475 is better than the stock Sachs spring, but still not quite ideal.

I believe the stock Ohlins spring is about 475, which is probably fine good for a 160 to 180 pound rider.

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Yes, as Guy says, I've been trying to gather the info in this Ohlins thread, but as you'll see the section on the later Ohlins, MG 2003/04 revised suspension numbers/spec. is blank, as no-one has been able to come up with the facts. There have also been comments to the effect that there isn't that much difference between the two and maybe the 2002 model isn't actually much 'worse'.

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I weigh about 210lb w/gear. Changed stock 85 spring for a 100. Made huge improvement. Could pos go one up again.


Been unable to get anywhere w/info on differences between 02/later shocks. Ohlins shop said factory spec cards, showed "very little", & like Belfast says that may be the case.


I feel my (02 Scura) Ohlins shock has too much high speed compression damping (it's harsh over sudden bumps) & this has been a comment from others too. One of the US mags had a Scura shock revalved by a minimal amount said it helped. I'll try dig out the info.


KB :sun:

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