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Bike lights

mike wilson

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I was sat behind a bike at some traffic lights last night. He seemed to have a fault in his brake light, as it was intermittenly flashing and fading.


Took me about 5-10 seconds to realise that he had an LED rear light, standard brakelight sized, with one part of it flashing orange as an indicator.


Now if I, sitting right behind him, can't work out immediately that he is indicating a maneouver, how the Hell is Joe or Joan Sixpack going to do it on a wet night at 70mph? I see a Subaru suppository in his future, WRX lookalikes being the racer of choice in this locality.


My preference is for separate indicators, spaced as far apart as possible. Although there is a fashion for micro lights, bunched as close together as possible, his (I am assuming maleness) setup is probably illegal here.



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Guest Nogbad



Yep, conventional lights with maximum separation for me too!


Apparently there was some TRRL study on day riding lights that recommended 5W white lights as high as the construction and use regs allowed and separated by about 400mm. Apparently the human brain is programmed genetically to recognise this configuration as a charging bison..... or something....

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Yep, conventional lights with maximum separation for me too!


Apparently there was some TRRL study on day riding lights that recommended 5W white lights as high as the construction and use regs allowed and separated by about 400mm. Apparently the human brain is programmed genetically to recognise this configuration as a charging bison..... or something....



C&U regs seem to be forgotten documents. Implementation of them would take most modern bikes off the road immediately.


You haven't seen me on a bike. Don't need lights to look like a charging bison. 8-)



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same with hooters. we recognize them cause theyre in the right height and its in our genes...




I thought it was because of the noise they make when you press the button........

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Guest Nogbad
I thought it was because of the noise they make when you press the button........



Sort of "Oooohhhh" "Do that again" sound?

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Sort of "Oooohhhh" "Do that again" sound?



hmmm :blush: only if you push them in the right sequince at the right time :wub:

otherwise you hear a rather fearfull noise, sort of like a mad yell or rant, followed by a slap, and in some cases a kick to the bollocks! :huh2: ...stewardship of said buttons seem to be one of the key issues :D




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I now notice most modern cars rear lights very hard to see, especially if the Sun is shining on them, idicators are impossible, I've almost rear ended a few recently, time for the saftey guys to have a clamp down. I do not really see how these pass current legislation.

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I now notice most modern cars rear lights very hard to see, especially if the Sun is shining on them, idicators are impossible, I've almost rear ended a few recently, time for the saftey guys to have a clamp down. I do not really see how these pass current legislation.



In very sunny weather and when the sun is low in the sky, I try always to give a hand signal as well as use the indicators. Removes any semblance of doubt. If the person it is aimed at understands hand signals........



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Guest Nogbad
In very sunny weather and when the sun is low in the sky, I try always to give a hand signal as well as use the indicators.  Removes any semblance of doubt.  If the person it is aimed at understands hand signals........





Are hand signals in the driving test at all these days?

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Guest Nogbad
In the state I live in they are...


Quick, what's this one?





"Sit on my finger, babe, and let me tickle your intimates"??

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