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Simple Question on Oil Viscosity (honest)

Ralph Werner

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Guest Nogbad
er, not if you keep it in the fridge



I wouldn't want to risk tainting my fine cheeses.

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anyone know where I can get a sperm whale? I'll share the extras with anyone with information leading the the capture of one of these fine beasts.  :drink:



Shall we expect a posting from TEX right next? (we are getting the elements... a defenseless & sympathetic animal, an excuse, and the need for weapons).


I do not believe the guys at MPH had to capture and kill anything to get this fine oil into my MG.


The time I done it my self I got the cheapest synth available, I do the same with my car. I just avoid the Wamart brand, I do not know if it is good or not, I just do not want to find out the hard way.


Why I use synth?, Synth just feels better when the air cooled bike is exposed to traffic and red lights specially in summer... In those conditions mineral oil gives up quicker... I experienced it in my first bike, in the late 80's where synth. oil was being introduced where I lived.




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I wouldn't want to risk tainting my fine cheeses.


You don't keep those in your fridge, do you! :o

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... I don't know if its a rumor, but I hear THE BEST lube possible for transmissions is whale blubber oil, is this an old wives tale? heard the stuff could raise the titanic, cure cancer, and ward off bats, also heard you would never have to change it like todays tranny oils.



ATF is a synthetic analogue to sperm oil (oleo spermaceti?); automatic car trannys were designed to operate using that fluid prior to WWII; what with the war & all the research funded by defense concerns during that period, more cost effective solutions were devised by the time the war ended and civilian production got around to pushing the automatic slushbox transmission.


Sperm oil comes from the huge bag of oil in the head of sperm whales that they use for their sonar transducer, [not rendered whale blubber [whether that of sperm whales or others is irrelevant.]


So, if you're driving a classic car w/ a slushbox drivetrain that was built sometime before, oh, 1946, then maybe sperm oil would outperform Dexron III. But I doubt it...




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Guest Nogbad

Should we be using whale oil in our forks?


ATF is a synthetic analogue to sperm oil (oleo spermaceti?); automatic car trannys were designed to operate using that fluid prior to WWII; what with the war & all the research funded by defense concerns during that period, more cost effective solutions were devised by the time the war ended and civilian production got around to pushing the automatic slushbox transmission.


Sperm oil comes from the huge bag of oil in the head of sperm whales that they use for their sonar transducer, [not rendered whale blubber [whether that of sperm whales or others is irrelevant.]


So, if you're driving a classic car w/ a slushbox drivetrain that was built sometime before, oh, 1946, then maybe sperm oil would outperform Dexron III. But I doubt it...

:2c:  :nerd:




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