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Guest Mountaineer

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Guest Mountaineer

First off, I must confess that I do not currently own a Guzzi :o I have liked them for several years though & a Goose is definitely on my current short list of potential next bikes. So, with that out of the way, my current bike is an '04 Triumph Thruxton that I absolutely love. I looked at Guzzis prior to buying my previous bike, a Triumph Sprint RS, but I got a sweet deal on the Sprint so it won that competition for economic reasons. About a year later the Thruxton came out and I HAD to have one, so out the door went the Sprint :D That's what I get for buying based on $$ rather than passion, a fantastic bike that just didn't stir any emotion in me. :homer:


At any rate, I am looking at Guzzis again as an addition, not a replacement, to my Triumph when bike buying time rolls around again. I stumbled onto your site after someone linked to a picture here of a beautiful Ducati in Guzzi green from gigabikes.com, where I spend most of my forum time. Since I was wandering around here as a guest already, I thought I should register rather than lurk, so I am the new guy, Steve the hillbilly Thruxton rider :sun:


Take care folks,


Steve :bier:



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Steve, keep an eve out for Guzzi gatherings if you need to have some face to face with Guzzi folks. MGNOC has a web site that lists the rallies and other gatherings, as well as a link to another Guzzi board.


The Virginia rally is coming up in a bit more than a week. Buena Vista. It's right on the Blue Ridge, close to I-81 and I-64. There is usually a good turn out and you would have many people and bikes to savor. Guzzi people really don't care too much what you ride in on. Just don't show up on a sunday, as people are packing to go home.


Guzzis seem to have a personality or "soul" if you will. It is something intangable yet it's there. After 65,000 miles on my EV since I bought it new in 2001, I still get excited when I take off on it. More than 4,500 miles on the LeMans since last spring and I still have the same feeling about that. To me, they are more than the sum of their parts. I enjoy riding my '75 Honda too, but it doesn't move the soul like the Guzzis do.


Zoom Zoom,

John Henry

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Welcome to the forum, Steve :bier:




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I did the same thing like you would like to do, I rode a bonneville and changed it for a v11. Not one bad word about Triumph, great bikes, but Guzzi plays in a different league, that is....................SUPERLEAGUE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

ciao, pille

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Guest Mountaineer

Thanks for rolling out the welcome wagon for me guys. :bier:

I wasn't sure how you would take to a Triumph rider invading your forum, but I figured that Guzzi folks would be ok with it.


I do know one guy that owns a Goose, a Jakal, and it has been pretty much trouble free for him except for a couple of minor glitches - the most recent of which did actually leave him stranded :o along the Blue Ridge Parkway, but still ended up being relatively minor once they found the problem (bad ignition switch). I suppose there is a reason why this little guy :luigi: found his way into your smiley collection. :D Anyway, he usually goes by Kev M on the forums that he frequents if any of you already know him - though I think that he spends more time over at wildguzzi.com.


So, I'll just be kicking around here for a bit trying to pick your brains on Guzzis & learn as much as I can about them. Incidentally, do any of you know where I might pick up the most recent edition of "Guzziology"? Is 5.4 the most recent one? Amazon.com doesn't have it right now, but someone said that a new edition might be coming out & that could be why. :huh2:


Take care,

Steve :bier:

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You can order Guzziology from Moto International. The fellow that wrote it either owns or works at MI. Greg Field, who visits this forum regularly or irregularly, also works at MI and can probably give you the details on which is the latest version.

Here's their website.


Welcome to the forum!


Looks like a couple of Virginia and West Virginia Guzzi events are coming up:


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