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Guest Nogbad
Nog and Ratchet, the technical forums would be more enjoyable if you stop acting like asses. Who really cares if you think appreciators of gold nitride coated fork tubes are philistines?!?


Getting back to the topic.

Something caused the seals to fail too soon.

My money is on the forks tubes causing the failure.

Nogbad, says I am wrong.

No big surprise that Nog and Ratchet disagree with me.




I never said you were a Philistine! Gold nitride sure is purdy! It just doesn't DO anything. If you want it, have it.


If the fork tubes are unscored and smooth, it is hard to see how the seals failed as a result of tube condition. There are plenty instances out there of premature Ohlins seal failure.


As for Hatchet and I disagreeing with you, just because we didn't agree with you in the GW thread doesn't mean we disagree with you simply because it is you! We take things objectively and on merit. I have no personal axe to grind Mr Bean Curd sir!

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Guest ratchethack
Nog and Ratchet, the technical forums would be more enjoyable if you stop acting like asses. Who really cares if you think appreciators of gold nitride coated fork tubes are philistines?!? 

Uh, I just re-read my posts, Nog's posts, and your posts, Dave. I couldn't find any part of anything either I said or Nog said where by any stretch of my imagination it could've been interpreted that either one of us said such a thing, or even implied it in an indirect way with some kind of innuendo.


Now I waxed a little philosophical in awarding Nog the Order of the Rose Garter, but I don't see how this translates to thinking appreciators of TiN fork tubes are Philistines? So then I stood on my head and read it again upside down and backwards. Still nuttin'. . . . . . :huh2:


Have you been neglecting y'er riding too long, Dave??


Would it help if I sent Squire Igor 'round with instructions not to depart until y'er Guzzi is road ready?? :lol:

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I never said you were a Philistine! Gold nitride sure is purdy! It just doesn't DO anything. If you want it, have it.


If the fork tubes are unscored and smooth, it is hard to see how the seals failed as a result of tube condition. There are plenty instances out there of premature Ohlins seal failure.


As for Hatchet and I disagreeing with you, just because we didn't agree with you in the GW thread doesn't mean we disagree with you simply because it is you! We take things objectively and on merit. I have no personal axe to grind Mr Bean Curd sir!



No, you did not call anyone a philistine.

That was a joke.

Ratchet has only used the word how many times??????

It seems to have taken on the meaning of anyone who disagrees with him.

So, that is how it was used.


As for gold nitride not doing anything, again we disagree. You are the expert, but I defer to other experts, like this Max at Traxxion guy.

As for the tubes being unscored and smooth, that would be a good indicator of a future successful seal life. But we don't have enough information.

S251 suggested that there was a problem all along.

I would hope the warranty would cover the tubes and seals and rear shock.

I would be checking the tubes to see if they are unscored and smooth rather than suggesting they are fine after an 8500km faillure.

Perhaps dragging a pencil eraser across the surface would give an indication of whether the seal would feel increased friction where the nitride has worn off...an electron microscope might be overkill and still not give a good indication.


For me this fork failure is a wake up call to better protect my ti-nitride.

323, thanks for posting about the sealmate :bier:

FWIW, I wish the forks were silver colored instead of gold to better match the bike, but I can't expect you to share the same aesthetic taste. I value the function of the Ohlins and the nitride coating over the aesthetics, but I probably won't get an award from Ratchet for it because I probably spent so much money on the upgrade.

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Uh, I just re-read my posts, Nog's posts, and your posts, Dave.  I couldn't find any part of anything either I said or Nog said where by any stretch of my imagination it could've been interpreted that either one of us said such a thing, or even implied it in an indirect way with some kind of innuendo. 




Dave. Even if they did , isn't a forum intended for the discussion of ideas? If we all agreed we wouldn't be here.


Reminds me of the Oxford dictionary definition of the word 'symposium' , from the Greek word 'posit' meaning a drinking party for the discussion of ideas - accompanied by food and followed by dancing!! I havn't missed the Pacific Pilots Symposium once since I learned that!!

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Guest Nogbad

As for gold nitride not doing anything, again we disagree. You are the expert, but I defer to other experts, like this Max at Traxxion guy.



Er I read Max's quote you posted and he seemed actually to say "Ti Nitride is only marginally better than hard chrome and not worth they money in my opinion."


This is pretty close to what I said!


Enjoy your bling anyway.

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Er I read Max's quote you posted and he seemed actually to say  "Ti Nitride is only marginally better than hard chrome and not worth they money in my opinion."


This is pretty close to what I said!


Enjoy your bling anyway.


and pretty close to what I said.

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Dave. Even if they did , isn't a forum intended for the discussion of ideas? If we all agreed we wouldn't be here.


Reminds me of the Oxford dictionary definition of the word 'symposium' , from the Greek word 'posit' meaning a drinking party for the discussion of ideas - accompanied by food and followed by dancing!! I havn't missed the Pacific Pilots Symposium once since I learned that!!



Why are you attacking me for disagreeing?

You guys are a bunch of thought thugs.

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Guest Nogbad
Why are you attacking me for disagreeing?

You guys are a bunch of thought thugs.



He's not.


He's explaining that you can expect disagreement.


Blimey, these sensitive bleeding heart liberal eco-chondriac "new men" need careful handling!

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Guest ratchethack
Blimey, these sensitive bleeding heart liberal eco-chondriac "new men" need careful handling! 

With the correct level of approved PC conditioning, you really shouldn't be having any trouble here, Nog. . . . . . . <_<:whistle:

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Guest MotoMessiah

Wow. Now the bickering from the dim wit 3 hijacks technical topics as well. You kooks really must like listening to yourselves.

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... Reminds me of the Oxford dictionary definition of the word 'symposium' , from the Greek word 'posit' meaning a drinking party for the discussion of ideas - accompanied by food and followed by dancing!! ...


I vote for a symposium. I wanna' see Ratchet and Nog talkin' ... drinkin' ... amd dancin' ... cheek to cheek. :drink:




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Why are you attacking me for disagreeing?

You guys are a bunch of thought thugs.



I wasn't attacking you for disagreeing. I was pointing out that it is OK for anyone to disagree.


I welcome your and anyone elses thoughts always (even Enzo's!!).

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... Reminds me of the Oxford dictionary definition of the word 'symposium' , from the Greek word 'posit' meaning a drinking party for the discussion of ideas - accompanied by food and followed by dancing!! ...


I vote for a symposium. I wanna' see Ratchet and Nog talkin' ... drinkin' ... amd dancin' ... cheek to cheek. :drink:




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Guest ratchethack
I wanna' see Ratchet and Nog talkin' ... drinkin' ... amd dancin' ... cheek to cheek.

Er, I don't swing that way. . . .


I think you've got me confused with one of those sophisticated and enlightened Metrosexual, New Agers. <_<

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